I Feel Like Crap
I'm home sick today. So they have a sub at the HS covering for a sub. There was a bit of snafoo this morning with the whole situation. If a teacher needs a sub the school has a system that they call into with their access code to request one. But I'm just a long-term sub so I don't have an access code. So last night when I could barely lift my head and was advised by my physician (also known as Kristen) to take 1 if not 2 days off of work, I had no idea who I was supposed to call or what I was supposed to do to get a sub for myself, the long-term sub. I consulted a teacher who I'm also friends with and she suggested calling the "lady who handles subs at the high school". I call the number she gives me (supposedly a home number) and get voicemail so I leave a message explaining my situation. I don't get a call back before I go to bed. So I had to get up this morning and drive out to the high school. On the way I call the main office at the HS to talk with this woman and she's not in and another woman is like "You should have called the sub coordinator at the board office." I tell her that I'm on my way and so she says they'll get someone to come in and take over for me. Anyhoo, a sub came in about halfway through 1st hour and I went home. Now I'm worried that I'm going to look unprofessional cause they had to scramble to get someone to cover me. But perhaps they could have advised me when I started what I needed to do in case I had to take a day off. Subs get sick too, you know. I'm trying not to stress about it but I ran out of my medication over a week ago and without it I worry endlessly over things like this and make my gastritus act up.
Gastritus: inflammation of the stomach
Gastritus: inflammation of the stomach
At 10/27/2006 6:17 AM,
The Judge said…
I'm sure you didn't look unprofessional. You tried. Go to your principal on Monday and ask what you should do next time. That way, you'll look like you care and like you tried.
Everyone's sick. It blows.
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