Miss Popularity
Today is Halloween. My mother and I are not handing out candy. We got annoyed with handing out candy every year to Detroit teenagers arriving in GP by the carload and not even wearing costumes. It wouldn't be so bad if they were at least making an effort to wear a costume and were young children but these are high school teenagers sans costume, who are taller than my mother and I mind you, coming around and asking for candy. That's pathetic and shameful. So we don't do it anymore. They also cause a HUGE hazard for all the Grosse Pointe children who are actually at an appropriate age to trick or treat and are wearing costumes by filling the streets up with moving cars.
I have a sneaking suspicion that I agreed to help two different people pass out candy tonight. Oops. But I can't remember if I commited to doing it or if it was more of a "yeah, maybe I'll stop by" thing. I'm just stunned that there are two people who want to hang out with me. Near candy.
I'm hoping that maybe someday I'll start feeling well again. I won't have to wake up and take 2 Advil and then take a couple of Tylenol 2 hours later and keep doing that for the rest of the day so my head doesn't feel like it's going to explode. I'm thinking that the numerous doses of aceteminaphine and ibuprofen will eventually take a toll on some vital organ of mine. I'm aiming for Thanksgiving for feeling better. Of course maybe if I damage my liver with all the ibuprofen then I won't notice the daily massive headache. And I'm also keeping the tea industry in business with the 5 cups a day to relieve my sore throat.
I have a sneaking suspicion that I agreed to help two different people pass out candy tonight. Oops. But I can't remember if I commited to doing it or if it was more of a "yeah, maybe I'll stop by" thing. I'm just stunned that there are two people who want to hang out with me. Near candy.
I'm hoping that maybe someday I'll start feeling well again. I won't have to wake up and take 2 Advil and then take a couple of Tylenol 2 hours later and keep doing that for the rest of the day so my head doesn't feel like it's going to explode. I'm thinking that the numerous doses of aceteminaphine and ibuprofen will eventually take a toll on some vital organ of mine. I'm aiming for Thanksgiving for feeling better. Of course maybe if I damage my liver with all the ibuprofen then I won't notice the daily massive headache. And I'm also keeping the tea industry in business with the 5 cups a day to relieve my sore throat.
At 11/01/2006 7:39 AM,
Jackie said…
We briefly mentioned you might come to our house, but we didn't solidify any plans. Besides, I didn't get home until 6:00 and kids were already running around. And we have the same thing, cars full of kids with no costumes! We also have adults using their babies as a reason to walk around and get free candy. I think that's more annoying. Grrr.
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