Don't spill your drink, buddy!
I was working on my ridiculously huge assignment for my Reading Class earlier. Unfortunately when I was trying to write down key concepts for my Concept Process Analysis portion, I reached for my wine glass without looking and I missed. So the wine went spraying everywhere, especially on all my work. So I had to stop and lay all my papers out to dry. I wonder if the professor will notice that my assignment smells like Chardonnay. This just proves once again that multi-tasking is not my specialty. I also found out where Stan the Spider has been the last few days. I saw him in Raffi's room on the wall when I was changing Raffi's litter today. Stan the Spider appeared on the scene a few months ago in my bathroom. Usually he doesn't bother me but the other day he was on the shower curtain when I wanted to take a shower and that is unacceptable. I think he got the hint cause since he's now hiding out in Raffi's room.
At 11/22/2004 9:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
I found it! Your blog is fabulous! It's just like the perfect cyber-version of the Wixom Vixen! It's magnificent!
I had a really fun time at your birthday party. I can't wait until X-mas when we can get together for the X-mas party. Yay!
Anyway, I hope your school stuff is going well and I'll talk to you later.
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