The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Bumps in the Road

I'm feeling much lighter this week. Last week I was doubting if becoming a teacher was what I really wanted to do. And that's not a good thing to be wondering about when you're tens of thousands of dollars in debt from student loans. But I think I was just nervous cause I'm getting to the final stages of becoming certified. And I'm worried about this stupid German test cause if I don't pass in October then I won't be able to student teach in January which will set me back a ways. Of course, it's Wayne State and so they probably wouldn't notice if I didn't pass.

And I hate being poor. Currently I have $5 a week to spend on groceries. Everything costs money and I don't have any. I have cavities that need to be taken care of and no dental insurance. That's several hundred dollars. I need a haircut. Raffi needs food. I have to pay $75 to retake the stupid German test. I don't have money to go out with friends and I barely have enough money to rent a video to watch by myself. My mother keeps telling me that it's just one more year and then I'll have a teaching job and an income. So I can start paying back all my debt. Yay.

Gah, now I'm depressed again. This post was supposed to be happy. Aside from the financial situation, I am happy and back on track. So smile for me. Smile!


  • At 9/09/2005 6:31 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Snoopy Dances are free. I suggest we get out of our seats and do the snoopy dance.

    I cringe when I'm spending money. But then again.. it's for things I need like, school stuff, refurbished laptop and a divorce.

    gah- we need more free things.

  • At 9/13/2005 8:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I totally understand the money stuff, as I have none. Today, I splurged -- instead of eating a granola bar for breakfast, I went to Au Bon Pain and spent $5 on a decent breakfast. Now my body is all like "Dude, what's this? Food? What are you trying to do to me?"

    Anyway, it was yummy.


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