The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Monday, May 02, 2005

MEME interview: Answers

Okay here are some answers. I know that others are waiting for their questions. I'm working on them. The Wixom Vixen likes to take her time.

Mike’s questions
1. Will you style of parenting be influenced by how you see your little sister being raised? And in what way?
Definitely. Children NEED discipline. You’re not doing them any favors by letting them do whatever they want and letting them walk all over you. You have to set boundaries and you have to mean it when you say no. It's okay if one of your decisions causes your child to not like you for a little while. It's not a popularity contest and you're not trying to make a friend. You're raising a child so that eventually they will be able to leave the nest and be a fully functioning responsible adult in society. Friendship will come later when they're old enough to appreciate and understand it.

2. Does size matter? Or is it only part of, ahem, getting the job done?
I think it’s mostly about getting the job done.

3. What plans do you have for summer, other than your class(es)?
None really. Going to the cottage for 4th of July. I'm very poor and plans usually include money.

4. Do you think Catholicism should be reformed and modernized?
Yes, I think Catholicism needs to catch up to the 21st century.

5. What TV star would you want to have lunch with and why?
Topher Grace. Cause he’s so cute and I love his dry sense of humor.

Ryan’s questions
1. Is there anyone you want to forgive you for something in the past but you don't think they will?
Jeez, where should I start? Yes. I’m sorry to Lars for being a horrible host-sister and driving him back to Germany. Lars, if you ever read this, I am so very, very sorry for how I acted. I hate myself when I think about the type of deplorable person I was to you.

2. Are you excited about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince?
I am excited but I don’t think I’m as excited as you and Beckie. I’m hoping that Beckie reads it very quickly so I can borrow it.

3. Do you ever wish that you were back at the GM Card?
Actually I do sometimes. I think I miss the people mostly. I especially miss not seeing you everyday, that’s what I loved most about GM Card. I also miss speaking French everyday. I feel like I’m losing my French since I hardly speak it these days.

4. You are the Wixom Vixen, but you live quite far from Wixom, how does that work?
Yes, many people wonder about this. I believe that I evolved into my true Vixen status while living in Wixom and hence I’ll always be the Wixom Vixen even though I’ve left the fair city. And plus, Roseville Vixen doesn’t sound as cool.

5. My children need wine, can you recommend a good type of wine?
I've been a big fan of Shiraz lately. In terms of brands, I find that I enjoy all theYellow Tail wines, from Merlot to Chardonnay. My rule of thumb is to go with a cool name or label when in doubt, like yesterday at family dinner we had Kelly's Revenge Shiraz. The label had a red stick-figure person doing a kung-fu move and a black background.


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