The Window of Opportunity has Closed
Raffi is driving me nuts. Last week when we had that wonderfully warm weather I opened the windows in my apartment. Raffi likes to sit on the sill of the window that's right next to the computer and my chair when it's open so he can smell the fresh air that he'll never really get to experience first-hand. There are two things that that he plagues me with. First, to get on the sill he jumps onto the table and then up onto the window sill. He's not supposed to jump on the table but I allow it since he quickly jumps to something else. But sometimes he can't figure out how he got onto the window sill and I have to get up from my chair and then point from the sill to the chair to the floor until he figures it out which takes about 2 minutes of him just staring blankly at me. The second thing is what he's been doing the past two days since it's gotten cold again. He jumps up to the sill and then whines because the window isn't open. Now, for those of you that haven't heard Raffi whine, it's horrendous. It's worse than nails on a chalkboard. And I keep telling him that it's too cold to open the window and he just keeps whining. I brought up the weather channel website and showed him that, I made him watch the news where they talked of snow and still he whines. Sometimes I think Ryan is right. That cat is a demon spawn. But he's so darn cute. And fat. Very fat cat. My cute, fat, demon spawn cat. Mommy loves you!
At 4/24/2005 10:15 AM,
The Judge said…
When he lies on his side on the floor and you view him from above, he's sort of lima-bean shaped, with a very small cat-head.
P.S. I'm not bringing any of my purses over anymore.
At 4/27/2005 6:02 PM,
jonny said…
Tried explaining to someone the other day about that horrid sound on a blackboard, but they didn't know what such a thing was.
Heh! Love it when mogs do that-can climb up, but not down.
Shame you can't blackmail 'em!
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