Run for your lives!
A huge wasp just flew right in front of my face as I was reading email and I screamed out really loudly, "Dear Lord!". Then it landed on the window screen next to my computer so I quickly closed the glass part and it's now stuck between the glass and the screen. So now I'm torturing it every few seconds by putting my face really close and taunting, "You're stuck in the window! Stupid loser wasp can't get out!" Then I run several feet back in case it escapes. I really should call maintenance about getting my screen fixed. This is the third wasp that's managed to get into my apartment. Or perhaps I can start a wasp colony. I could make them do my bidding! I like this plan. The Wixom Vixen's Army of WASPS.
At 6/07/2005 2:16 PM,
Jay Anderson said…
Just make sure you get an army of stinging insects and not stuffy white guys ;)
Unless they're hot, in which case maybe you can do both....
At 6/07/2005 4:25 PM,
jonny said…
At 6/07/2005 6:44 PM,
Unknown said…
... and they all went shopping at Talbots.
At 6/08/2005 12:10 PM,
The Judge said…
I thought people from Grosse Pointe WERE the army of WASPS. Talbots! Ha.
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