Stop and Smell the Perfume Spill
I was getting dressed after my shower this morning when I stepped on a small perfume bottle and broke it. Oh, and cut my foot from the glass. It was one of those little sample ones and was cylindrically shaped so it just happened to roll off my dresser and was lying in wait for my foot. The funny thing is that I was walking over to my dresser to get socks. So, now my foot is bleeding but it smells really good.
At 4/01/2006 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hope your foot is okay! I wonder if you've stepped into the new thing - purfuming the feet. You should become the new spokesperson and have a company pay you a lot of money! It's not easy being a fashion plate!
Seriously, hope you didn't hurt yourself and I would have your mom look it over.
Take Care! Julie
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