Lend Me Your Eyes
I am so very sorry that I have not posted in a few weeks. It's not like the Wixom Vixen to keep her adoring fans in the dark for so long. But in my defense, I've been a busy girl. I did indeed get my student teaching placement and I started at Fraser H.S. on January 24th. I'm split between two teachers which is both good and bad and I'm teaching both French and German.
I moved back in with Trish the Dish the weekend of January 28th. I am not completely unpacked yet and my new closet is about a 1/3 of the size of the closet at my old apartment. My mother is already starting to drive me a little batty which is not a good sign. Raffi and Guinevere hiss and growl at each other whenever in each other's presence and Raffi has tried to attack Gwennie a few times. On a good note, my mother packs my lunch for me every night. I didn't even ask her to, she just started doing it.
I got the results of my German test and I passed. Third time's a charm!
I took the CPR/First Aid workshop for future teachers this past weekend so I'm now trained in that. All I have to do now is finish up this semester (student teaching, portfolio review and inclusive teaching class) and I will be a certified teacher. It's kindof weird how it's all coming together and I'm so close to being finished.
I'll try to be better about posting more often but I can't make any promises. This is going to be a very busy semester for me. But I'll make sure to share any funny stories about my students.
I moved back in with Trish the Dish the weekend of January 28th. I am not completely unpacked yet and my new closet is about a 1/3 of the size of the closet at my old apartment. My mother is already starting to drive me a little batty which is not a good sign. Raffi and Guinevere hiss and growl at each other whenever in each other's presence and Raffi has tried to attack Gwennie a few times. On a good note, my mother packs my lunch for me every night. I didn't even ask her to, she just started doing it.
I got the results of my German test and I passed. Third time's a charm!
I took the CPR/First Aid workshop for future teachers this past weekend so I'm now trained in that. All I have to do now is finish up this semester (student teaching, portfolio review and inclusive teaching class) and I will be a certified teacher. It's kindof weird how it's all coming together and I'm so close to being finished.
I'll try to be better about posting more often but I can't make any promises. This is going to be a very busy semester for me. But I'll make sure to share any funny stories about my students.
At 2/06/2006 4:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Felicitations! Je suis tres heureux que tu as passe ton exam et tu peut enseigner finalement. Je pense que j'ai oublie comment parler francais. Peut-tu etre mon professeur?
At 2/06/2006 10:30 PM,
The Judge said…
Yay German test.
At least Guinevere and Raffi aren't hiding from each other. They'll adjust and stop the attacking eventually.
At 2/07/2006 6:01 AM,
Unknown said…
Ditto on the congrats on the German test.
Just remember, you only have to live with your mother until you get a job. Which only gives you that much more incentive to start looking.
At 2/07/2006 2:53 PM,
jonny said…
Congrats on the pass.
Aren't you getting fed up with the kids yet, tho?
It's been more than a matter of hours...
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