My Father the Lunatic
I spent the morning with my father today. It was determined on Christmas day that I need new tires. So my father and I went looking for new tires today. We didn't up getting any tires cause there were long waits and my father is a very impatient man. We're meeting tomorrow morning at Costco at 9:50 so we'll be the very first customers. I'm paying back Joeboo and my stepmother by babysitting for Sarah until the tires are paid off. Anyway, after we decided to return to Costco the next morning my father wanted to run a few errands before I drove him back to Grosse Pointe. Since my father is impatient, he also walks really fast. I have to walk/jog to keep up with him. We stopped at Randazzo's and my father grabbed a cart outside the store. I was just catching up to him when he paused and was positioned like he was getting ready to race someone with the shopping cart. Then he turned to look at me and he had the familiar maniacal look on his face. He had a mischievous grin and his eyes were huge with exitement. Then he turned back and started running to the entrance with the cart. I just stood there for a minute and then ran to catch up to him. Even though he puts me down a lot, makes me cry on a monthly basis, and is stingier than Ebenezer Scrooge most of the time, I was happy to call him Dad this morning. Here's a conversation we had when we were in Randazzos:
Wixom Vixen: Dad, check it out! They have coconuts!
Joeboo: Coconuts?! Coconuts! Don't even get me started on coconuts. Your sister convinced her mother to buy her a coconut the other day and we had to crack it open on Christmas Eve and then pour out the milk to leave for Santa. And she wouldn't even try any of the milk herself!
Wixom Vixen: (looks crestfallen)
Joeboo: What? You want a coconut? Here. Here's a coconut. (tosses coconut to his eldest daughter)
Wixom Vixen: (with delighted expression) Cool! Now I can make a coconut bra!
Wixom Vixen: Dad, check it out! They have coconuts!
Joeboo: Coconuts?! Coconuts! Don't even get me started on coconuts. Your sister convinced her mother to buy her a coconut the other day and we had to crack it open on Christmas Eve and then pour out the milk to leave for Santa. And she wouldn't even try any of the milk herself!
Wixom Vixen: (looks crestfallen)
Joeboo: What? You want a coconut? Here. Here's a coconut. (tosses coconut to his eldest daughter)
Wixom Vixen: (with delighted expression) Cool! Now I can make a coconut bra!
At 12/28/2005 9:37 AM,
Michelle said…
OMG.. he is nuts.. Coconuts!!
Hey go ask Pooter what he thinks, if you go to my blog, he has opened an advice column.
At 12/28/2005 10:25 AM,
Unknown said…
Ah, Joeboo... at least you're getting new tires.
At 12/28/2005 1:39 PM,
The Judge said…
What the hell is wrong with walking fast? Damn slow walking people, always bitching...
P.S. Have you made your bra yet?
At 12/29/2005 7:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
I wish I had a coconut. And a monkey. And maybe some big league chew.
At 12/29/2005 5:28 PM,
Pointedly Anonymous said…
That's it, you'd never survive with me in New York. I'm a speedy man myself.
Why can't you slow walking people keep up? Its just one foot in front of the other. Left-right-left-right.
*grumble*Damn slow walking people, always bitching...
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