The Weepy Wixom Vixen
I feel like an emotional wreck today. It's that time of the month when I'm super-sensitive and cry at everything, even the office supply commercials. Or I laugh hysterically during the Fox Run retirement home commercials. Raffi seems frightened by my behavior today. And I really need to go grocery shopping cause I have no food in my place. But the news keeps showing these updates about a guy who's robbing women at supermarkets today. So I see the news snippet and then I flashback to the guy who tried to rob me with a gun pointed at my stomach and I start crying again. And it's really foggy today. But I'm really hungry and need food. I also need stuff for the upcoming move. Maybe I'll just go to a fast food drive-thru. Or maybe I should just go to Meijer's cause who would mess with the Wixom Vixen in her current state, right?
On a more positive note, I might (finally) have my student-teaching placement. Cross your fingers for me.
One more thing. I'd like to point out that it seems several of my girlfriends are in similar emotional states. Maybe we're all on the same cycle.
On a more positive note, I might (finally) have my student-teaching placement. Cross your fingers for me.
One more thing. I'd like to point out that it seems several of my girlfriends are in similar emotional states. Maybe we're all on the same cycle.
At 1/17/2006 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm in a similar emotional state too. I want to be on your cycle too! Please?! I need to belong!
In High School this girl told me that guys get Male PMS. I told her that's not possible. She argued with me for a long time, then I explained how PMS was Pre-Menstrual Cycle and guys do not menstruate. That shut her up.
Wouldn't it be fun if it was the Pre-Men-Strudel Cycle. It's like the time before the men get the strudel. Mmmm...strudel, the dessert of my people.
At 1/17/2006 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
We used to always say that men had PMS too, but we usually called it Pissed Men's Syndrome when they were moody. PMS was also known as Putting up with Men's Shit. I guess it was corny, but it was funny at the time. I know how you feel about being weepy and emotional. Just wait until you start going through menopause and are right before your cycle. It sucks.
At 1/18/2006 12:13 PM,
Unknown said…
My fingers are crossed for you. Even the pinky, and that's hard.
At 1/18/2006 3:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did anybody ever watch that show Sliders? Well, there was an episode where they "slide" to a reality where the government is comprised primarily of women. In that society, science had determined men to have periods of irrationality every five minutes (or something frequent like that) as opposed to the PMS experienced by women once a month.
The show had Jerry O'Connell and Sabrina Lloyd.
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