MEME Questions
Okay people, here are your questions. The Wixom Vixen worked very hard on these questions and she now needs a drinky-drink. Please bring her a Mimosa tout de suite. And she doesn't like this cold and dreary weather in May so fix that too. Much obliged.
Questions for Mike:
1. What song do you like to play when it’s time to get busy?
2. Do you like owning a home?
3. If your life could be like any TV show, which show would you choose?
4. Sarah Michelle Gellar jumps into your car and tells you that the cops are after her and she desperately needs your help. What do you do?
5. Do you want to have children?
Questions for Beckie:
1. If you had a motto, what would it be?
2. Where/When would you like to be a fly on the wall?
3. If you went to Hogwarts, what house would you want to be in and why?
4. Do you ever wonder how your life would have been different if you had an older brother instead of an older sister? What about if you had been an only child? Does that count as two questions? Does that last question make it 3?
5. What would your evil twin be like?
Questions for Michelle:
1. Do you believe in fate?
2. What would your evil twin be like?
3. Why do you like horseback riding so much?
4. Several months ago one of my fillings came out and there’s now a whole in my tooth. Do you think I should get this taken care of or can I go several more months without doing anything?
5. Do you have any recurring dreams and/or nightmares?
Questions for Catwoman:
1. Do you believe in the Afterlife?
2. When was the last time you cried and why?
3. What are your thoughts on euthanasia?
4. What celebrity would play you in a movie?
5. When you go to the zoo, which animal do you see first?
Questions for Tess:
1. What was your favorite childhood toy?
2. What’s your favorite adult toy? (I don’t necessarily mean adult as in adult, interpret as you want)
3. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
4. What do you think of this MEME interview madness?
5. When/What was the happiest moment of your life?
Questions for Mike:
1. What song do you like to play when it’s time to get busy?
2. Do you like owning a home?
3. If your life could be like any TV show, which show would you choose?
4. Sarah Michelle Gellar jumps into your car and tells you that the cops are after her and she desperately needs your help. What do you do?
5. Do you want to have children?
Questions for Beckie:
1. If you had a motto, what would it be?
2. Where/When would you like to be a fly on the wall?
3. If you went to Hogwarts, what house would you want to be in and why?
4. Do you ever wonder how your life would have been different if you had an older brother instead of an older sister? What about if you had been an only child? Does that count as two questions? Does that last question make it 3?
5. What would your evil twin be like?
Questions for Michelle:
1. Do you believe in fate?
2. What would your evil twin be like?
3. Why do you like horseback riding so much?
4. Several months ago one of my fillings came out and there’s now a whole in my tooth. Do you think I should get this taken care of or can I go several more months without doing anything?
5. Do you have any recurring dreams and/or nightmares?
Questions for Catwoman:
1. Do you believe in the Afterlife?
2. When was the last time you cried and why?
3. What are your thoughts on euthanasia?
4. What celebrity would play you in a movie?
5. When you go to the zoo, which animal do you see first?
Questions for Tess:
1. What was your favorite childhood toy?
2. What’s your favorite adult toy? (I don’t necessarily mean adult as in adult, interpret as you want)
3. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
4. What do you think of this MEME interview madness?
5. When/What was the happiest moment of your life?
At 5/03/2005 7:21 PM,
Unknown said…
Your ever query has been fulfilled.
At 5/03/2005 9:47 PM,
Michelle said…
Me Lady, your questions have been answered!
At 5/04/2005 4:08 PM,
jonny said…
your counter's broken.
I was trying to get you up to 300.
My RSI is your fault!
At 5/05/2005 11:48 AM,
Cat said…
Answers to your questions have been posted.
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