Pulled in many directions. 2, to be precise.
I'm supposed to go to Tiki Bob's tomorrow night with The Eastside Contingent (Beckie, Sarah, Jackie, and me). Sarah won a party which means cheap drinks and no cover. Score. But then my Mother called me today and after chatting for a little bit, says to me, "You're coming tomorrow night, right?" And I was all, "Ummmmm...coming to what?" Then she reminded me about a family friends birthday party that I had said I would attend. Crap. Now I don't know what to do. I told her about the Tiki plans and she sounded understanding but...disappointed. I am starting to get to the point where I'm over the club scene but I dig hanging out with my homies. Nobody parties like The Eastside Contingent. Where my bitches at? But, if I go to the birthday party, I'll see my mother's best friend's son (referred to as The Son from here on out) who was looking quite dashing when I saw him at The Race for the Cure. But my mother also mentioned (now, I'm not supposed to be repeating this next part so don't say anything to anyone) that The Daughter (sister of The Son) would be engaged by tomorrow night since her cute, funny, tall, pretty-close-to-perfect boyfriend is proposing tonight. They're going to make a big announcement at the party. And that would just remind me that she's five years younger than me and engaged while I'm perpetually single. So, I'm thinking Tiki. I don't think I'd have a chance with The Son anyway and I still haven't quite forgiven him for cutting my hair off when we were 6.
I seem to be a little boy-crazy this week, don't I? Maybe I'm ovulating.
I seem to be a little boy-crazy this week, don't I? Maybe I'm ovulating.
At 6/18/2005 5:09 AM,
jonny said…
2 many things 2 write!
So I'll just write the last one!!
Go to yer mum's, ask cutie for his number cause that what you Amer-cians do. Say your goodbyes. Go to yer M8s and have something new to talk about and molto booze and/or maybe commiserations and more girly-chat (...thinks tick/cross)
and end the note on a high with the promise of something more later or...closure and another chapter.
Maybe you could freeze your eggs rather than painting them?
At 6/20/2005 7:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Going to Tiki was wayyy better than the SON, wasn't it? :)
I'm glad to be part of The Eastside Contigent. We still have it in us!
Go Tiki
At 6/24/2005 2:02 PM,
Unknown said…
Arg! I am still pissed that I had to work and not get pissed at Tiki. Next time I am going, if there is a next time.
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