To Know Lloyd Dobler is to Love Him
I was really tempted to skip class tonight but I am SO glad that I went. When I got there the seats were all in this weird sort of double half-circle. I always sit next to Christy Turlington Look-Alike and she was in the last seat of a row. Then there was an empty seat next to her (which I took) and next to me was Incredibly Cute Guy. I got to sit next to the cute boy! It's like this boy was made just for me; he's blond, blue-eyed, tall, and young. And as cliche and cheesy as this sounds, he's a bit of a "bad boy". He has about five visible tattoos, he's hardly ever in class, and he's always making snide remarks when the professor is talking. And as loathe as I am to admit this, I am somewhat of a typical female and the bad boy thing does make me perk up a little. I totally missed everything that went on during class cause he kept leaning over and whispering things to me and I had to be on top of my game and come up with fabulously witty responses. I think I impressed him with my humorous jibes a few times. At one point he was talking about kickboxing and I did an excellent job of pretending to pay attention to what he was saying while gazing into his gorgeous blue eyes. Then I said to him, "So you're like Lloyd Dobler in 'Say Anything' ". And he didn't know what I was talking about! I couldn't believe that he hasn't seen that movie. So during the break, before he took off, I wrote down the name of the movie on a piece of paper for him. He looked at it and then went to hand it back to me and I was like, "That's for you to keep, so you don't forget the name." And then he paused and gave me this look (like he was seeing me for the first time *sigh*) and said, "Wow. That's really sweet." And then he was gone. I felt like a teenager again.
After he left, Christy says to me, "What movie were you talking about? Say Anything? Oh, that's really old isn't it?" Christy's about 22. I made a comment about having classes with all these youngin's and she looked confused and asked my age. I was tempted to lie like I usually do but I was just like, "I'm 28." She was flabbergasted, as was Horse-Teeth Girl who said to me, "You look like you're 18." Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! I was so overjoyed and they both said they never would have guessed I was 28. If only I had the body I had at 18.
And there's more. On the way home, Bon Jovi's "I'll be There for You" played on the radio. Awesomeness! Can life get any better? I think not.
After he left, Christy says to me, "What movie were you talking about? Say Anything? Oh, that's really old isn't it?" Christy's about 22. I made a comment about having classes with all these youngin's and she looked confused and asked my age. I was tempted to lie like I usually do but I was just like, "I'm 28." She was flabbergasted, as was Horse-Teeth Girl who said to me, "You look like you're 18." Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! I was so overjoyed and they both said they never would have guessed I was 28. If only I had the body I had at 18.
And there's more. On the way home, Bon Jovi's "I'll be There for You" played on the radio. Awesomeness! Can life get any better? I think not.
At 6/15/2005 7:04 PM,
Unknown said…
Sure it could.
Incredibly Cute Boy could have asked you out.
At 6/16/2005 9:05 AM,
The Judge said…
As we all know, tattoos make a person "bad". Take myself for example. I have four visible tattoos and I'm always having run-ins with the law. And I'm also not a prude. And also I drink like a fish. And also all of this is a lie. Except for the law part, but I think that's only because I'm a law student.
Ramble aside, sounds like you had a great day! Guys like him seem to like girls who are just a bit smarter, so sounds like you played it well. "Hm. A movie I've never heard of. My 23-year-old mind cannot wrap around this. I am so intrigued."
At 6/16/2005 1:47 PM,
Michelle said…
dunno... sound like the faux Lloyd Dobler would be a snooze if you were to try to hold an actual conversation. But if he's fuckable.. well who needs deep conversations on life anyway?
As for wishing of having an 18 yearold body. Sure.. but do I have to have the one I did when I was 18 or can I get a better looking more slimish model?
At 6/16/2005 2:38 PM,
jonny said…
Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(falls off seat and into gutter).
How sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(falls off gutter and into drain)
I'm so made up for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(falls off drain and into Purgatory).
Now lookee here.
Actually. That's a nice story.
At 6/16/2005 5:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
And another thing.
Men like women who are smart?
Who are you kidding?
That's archaic!
At 6/17/2005 5:38 AM,
The Judge said…
Who am I kidding? What a question. I'm kidding you, of course. I wake up every morning praying that I can unleash baseless lies upon you so you'll like me.
At 6/17/2005 8:10 AM,
Unknown said…
Hey, as Popeye once said, "I yam what I yam."
At 6/17/2005 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
When I read this I thought I was reading "Bridget Jones's Diary". Of course, you're not british, but you're way more fantabulastic.
I hope things go well with ICG. Tell him you're hung. Oh wait, that doesn't work for girls. Scratch that.
Beckie is a bad grrl because she's goth.
I've never seen "Say Anything" (I know!) but it's in my Netflix Queueueue if that helps....
At 6/18/2005 5:10 AM,
jonny said…
Spoken like a true Gemini.
I could be Brad Pitt (in Friends).
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