Stupid Humidity
One of the things I really hate about being a poor grad student is that I can't afford to turn on the AC. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have the option. But I could turn it on if I wanted and experience sweet relief from this misery. But I also remember all too well last summer when I turned on the air and the shock I received when my electricity bill arrived weeks later. Taking a shower is almost pointless. And I'm REALLY cranky cause I'm hot and sweaty. Poor Raffi has experienced my crankiness first-hand several times this morning. If I can just make it into work I think I'll be okay cause they have air. Pray for me. Or send over a fan.
At 6/13/2005 12:34 PM,
Michelle said…
I think that a box fan might use more electricity than AC.
Put Raffi and his little friends to work.. make THEM fan you off.
Just can't live there for free.. free loading furballs.
At 6/13/2005 4:08 PM,
jonny said…
No fair on furballs.
Could send you some do it yourself ice?
At 6/14/2005 7:03 AM,
Cat said…
I would take cool showers several times if needed when it was so hot and I had to be out in it. It always seemed I would get stuck playing tennis in the heat of the day like 1-4 p.m. in the middle of July and August. Well, actually, I always sign up for this sort of torture and try to play both singles and doubles in one tournament. That means I get to play 2-4 matches a day, sometimes back to back. If I had a bit of time in between, sitting in AC wasn't enough to cool me down much, so a quick cool shower would work much better.
I guess we're used to the heat more here in Florida. I don't think I could stand the cold for too long myself.
At 6/14/2005 9:38 AM,
Unknown said…
You can try running cold water over your wrists for a minute or so. Seems to help.
Also, how much is the AC? Must be an old model if it's really expensive.
At 6/14/2005 5:06 PM,
Jessica B. said…
This morning when I went into work, the AC was broken.
At 6/15/2005 7:51 AM,
Unknown said…
Sorry about the AC misfortune, but that made me laugh and laugh. Hmmm . . . I'm tired.
At 6/16/2005 2:33 PM,
jonny said…
Can you work underwater?
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