Drowned Rat
I went to the grocery store today and before I left I made sure that Raffi was inside. We have to make sure he's inside the house if nobody's home otherwise we won't be able to run outside and get him when he starts attacking pets in the neighborhood and/or neighbors. He usually hangs out on the front porch. So I open the front door and he comes in and Gwennie comes running up to the porch but she doesn't want to come in so I leave her outside. Gwennie can be left outside when no one is home cause she doesn't attack animals or people. Now I had heard on the news that we were going to get thunderstorms but I thought they meant later in the day or this evening. They totally didn't make it sound like it would be in the next hour. So I go do some grocery shopping and as I'm leaving the store it's pouring out so I wait a few minutes and it lets up and I go to my car and head home. I had completely forgot about Guinevere being outside until I pulled into the driveway and this pathetic, drenched, and bedraggled creature crawled out of the bushes. It looked like some weird evil varmint from a Sci-Fi Horror movie. But it was my poor, sweet Gwennie. I felt terrible. I jumped out of the car and left the groceries and was like, "Oh my gosh! My poor baby! I'm so sorry, my Darling! I didn't know it was going to pour like that. My poor sweet Baby. Come inside and we'll dry you off." I just kept gushing apologies and got a towel and dried her off. She was so pathetic. And she just looked so bewildered and...soaked. I spent like 20 minutes brushing her and she LOVES being brushed so I think things are okay between us.
At 6/13/2007 8:37 AM,
The Judge said…
When Dumars was alive, you hated Guinevere. OH, how times change.
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