Deep Thoughts
I think I need one of those little recording devices like John Cusack had in "Say Anything". Then I could record my thoughts just by speaking them into the machine and write them in my blog at a later time. I always have great thoughts when I'm driving and I think to myself, "I'll have to post that in my blog later." But then later comes and I've forgotten the great thought. So you're thinking it must not have been that great if I can't remember, right? Well, that's where you'd be wrong Mr. Error McWrongsterpants. It just makes the thought that much more great cause it has to be hidden away and can't be floating around in the air for the wrong person to snatch away. See? And then it presents itself to those who are deemed worthy. Check and mate. I think that's what you're supposed to say when you've won but I'm not really sure cause I don't play chess. It's too time consuming and it gives people wrinkles from all that contemplation and pondering.
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