More Spinning, Less Talking About Yourself
The two classes I'm taking this semester are a lot more work than I thought they would be. And of course a bunch of the students in one of the classes think that a class discussion means telling everyone about their retarded, mulatto or whathaveyou child. I hate hearing about other people's annoying children. I'm not paying tuition to hear about thier stupid lives and stupid problems. If they want to sit in a room and talk about themselves then they should save thier tuition money and spend it on a shrink instead. It's just like on game shows when they have the person talk about themselves. I get so annoyoed on Wheel of Fortune cause it's like they're given a list of adjectives to use when describing their family. They can't just say, "I'm married with 2 daughters." They have to say, "I'm married to a wonderful man and I have two adorable and precious daughters.". Jeez, gag me. My mother always gets mad at me cause I start screaming at the television going, "Shut the hell up! Nobody cares! Just spin the wheel you diseased crack whore!" Maybe my father is right. Perhaps television really is a communist plot to sap the lifeblood of the American Youth.
At 2/04/2007 1:14 PM,
Unknown said…
I feel the same way. But those segments do provide a little bit of extra time to run out of the room for dinner or a snack.
At 2/04/2007 1:15 PM,
Unknown said…
I can't pass up writing this word verification.
puzzuke should be the it word for 2007.
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