The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Working the Glutes

As I mentioned in a previous post my mother bought me a membership to Bally's in January. I got a free training session with a personal trainer and then I bought a few more cause I couldn't say no. I did not, though, buy the recommended 16 sessions at a cost of $973. Ha! As if. It didn't seem to sink in when I said 3 times that I was a substitute teacher. My trainer's name is Ted. I like to call him Trainer Ted or sometimes Tred for short. He's not at all the type of person that I usually picture being a trainer but the training sessions have been going well. He has a quiet voice and is really soft-spoken but he doesn't let me cajole him into not doing stuff I don't like. I'll be all (in my whiny voice), "Oh god, not the rope, Ted. Teddddd, I hate the rope. I don't want to do the rope." And he'll just smile and say in his really soft voice, "Okay, so we'll do 3 sets of 15, okay?" And he's so nice about it that I just slump my shoulders and go do the rope. Tred really puts me through the wringer during our weekly sessions. My legs always feel all wobbly and like they're made of jello when I'm done and I worry that they'll give out on me as I'm walking out of the gym so I just keep repeating to myself, "If you can make it out the door and to the car, then you can collapse at home and nobody will know that you have jello legs and they won't laugh at you."


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