Fruit of my Loins
I've been collecting wine bottle corks for over a year now. We usually go through 3-8 bottles of wine each week at Family Dinner and the host will give me the corks. I also collect them from various other places. I've got quite a lot now. We had Family Dinner at Barb's last night and when she was giving me the corks my father asked what I was going to do with all the corks that I've been collecting. I said that I wasn't sure but I was thinking of getting a cheap low coffee table and then glueing the corks on the top in a single layer and putting glass over it cause I thought that it would look cool. And my father replies, "Why don't you somehow use them to get me another grandchild?" And I was all, "How can I use corks to give you a grandchild? What, you want me to make a grandchild out of corks?" Well, the idea totally caught on and we all ran with it. It was decided that I will create a cork-child and I will call him Corky. I told my father that I expect him to babysit Corky and bring him to work to show off to his law firm partners. Now I have to figure out how to create a cork-child. Suggestions would be appreciated.
At 2/05/2007 5:42 PM,
Unknown said…
Weird. As soon as I read the first line, I thought,"She could make a coffee table by splitting each in half, then glue the flat part to the top of a coffee table, then put glass on top, so one could still smell the wine and the corks." Then I read about your coffee table plan.
Not splitting would look better.
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