The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Have a Beer for Uncle T. He'd want it that way.

My Uncle Timmy died the other day. I had to drive my mother to the airport today so she could fly out to Syracuse, NY and attend the viewing and funeral with her remaining siblings. My other uncle (Uncle Peter, still alive) originally said that he only wanted immediate family (i.e. siblings only, both parents are dead from illnesses related to smoking) at the funeral and so I shouldn't come but then he apologized and said I could come but it didn't work out for me to go anyways. Also according to my other uncle there's not going to be a big fanfare or any fuss over the dead uncle. Uncle P is angry at Uncle Timmy's lifestyle and early demise due to said lifestyle. My Uncle Timmy was only 52 years-old. He was diagnosed with emphysema a couple years ago and was told by his doctor to quit smoking and drinking and he was supposed to be on oxygen 24/7. He did none of these things. But it was his choice and he knew the consequences of not following the doctor's orders. My Uncle Timmy was a fun guy. All he cared about was having a good time and making sure everyone around him was happy. Ah, good ol' Uncle'll be missed.


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