The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Jammy Jam

I went to the 95.5 Singles Mingle this past Friday. Sarah's friend Jacque had won 8 tickets and Sarah invited me since I'm single. It was at the Holiday Inn at Southgate and we had a hotel room there. I almost backed out when she told me it was a pajama party but I decided to grin and bear it. I wore long baggy pants, a long sleeved shirt and fuzzy slippers for my pajamas. I was worried that there were going to be lots of skanky hos dressed in skanky lingerie but there weren't too many. The girls told me that Neo would be there and I was all, "Neo? Why don't they just say that Keanu Reeves will be there?" They had psychics that you could see but you had to wait in line. I didn't want to see the psychics, well more like I didn't care enough to wait in line, but I somehow always seemed to be in line waiting with someone else. Sarah got really drunk and passed out before 11pm. After the party I went to Derek and Bob's room and made out with Bob. I eventually got really tired and just wanted to sleep but all Bob wanted to do was make out. At 5am I finally told him that I was going back to my room so I could go to sleep but I didn't have a key so I had to knock on the door for about 10 minutes before someone finally dragged their ass out of bed and let me in. The next morning we went to Bob Evans for breakfast. I've never liked Bob Evans and I still don't. I was displeased with my meal and annoyed that I had to spend $11 on that plebeian crap. And there was a Denny's right next door! Who the fuck chooses Bob Evans over Denny's? It's like I was with my grandma.


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