The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

The Adventures of Raffi S. Buttiglieri

Raffi likes to whine a lot. And he has the most grating and unbearable whine that I've ever heard a creature make. So when he really gets bad I'll say, "Raffi, nobody likes a whiner. You won't make friends doing that." Or sometimes I'll mix it up and go, "Who likes a whiner? That's right. Nobody." Right now he's trying desperately to get into an empy cabinet which is currently blocked by a case of Diet Coke. Ah, he made it in by knocking over the case. Fabulous. Now I can only roll my eyes and resist the urge to replace the case of Diet Coke and trap him. I must remember that if I trap him, though it would be highly amusing, the end result would be him whining to get out.


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