A surprise on my doorstep
This is just shaping up to be a great week for me. This font looks different than usual...gah! Now I'm all distracted. did I change the font? did the font change me?
Okay, I have to worry about that later and get to my good news. I had completely forgotten that I had gotten a present for myself while ordering Christmas presents online, until today when I got home and there was a Victoria's Secret package in front of my door. Weeeeeeeee!!! And one of the bras I ordered is the color "hot orange" and it is FABULOUS! I think they should rename it "AWESOME orange". I wish that I could show people my new bra with this wonderful shade of orange! It's fantabulous. And then I got a matching bra and underwear set (a rarity for me) in some berry color. My bra and underwear seldom match. It's usually a mishmash of floral prints, stripes, solids, polka dots, farm animals, gingham, and plaid all in varying colors. As I was admiring this new matching set it reminded me of a conversation I had once with a guy friend of mine in a smoky bar. Somehow we were talking about underwear, okay, it was probably me who brought it up by flashing a new bra or something but the point is the conversation. He said that if he was hooking up with a chick and she had mis-matched bra and underwear he might not be into making out and/or sealing the deal. And I was like WTF?! He said that it was just too much of a turn-off. I was shocked and appalled. Now, I know that I'm supposed to be working on not judging people so that I don't ruin friendships and make people yell at me but I thought that was one of the most preposterous things that I have ever heard. A guy should be thanking his lucky stars if he even SEES you in your bra and underwear. And then he's going to complain that they don't match?! Oh, no you didn't! (that last sentence should be read in the Wixom Vixen's "white girl ebonic speak")
Okay, I have to worry about that later and get to my good news. I had completely forgotten that I had gotten a present for myself while ordering Christmas presents online, until today when I got home and there was a Victoria's Secret package in front of my door. Weeeeeeeee!!! And one of the bras I ordered is the color "hot orange" and it is FABULOUS! I think they should rename it "AWESOME orange". I wish that I could show people my new bra with this wonderful shade of orange! It's fantabulous. And then I got a matching bra and underwear set (a rarity for me) in some berry color. My bra and underwear seldom match. It's usually a mishmash of floral prints, stripes, solids, polka dots, farm animals, gingham, and plaid all in varying colors. As I was admiring this new matching set it reminded me of a conversation I had once with a guy friend of mine in a smoky bar. Somehow we were talking about underwear, okay, it was probably me who brought it up by flashing a new bra or something but the point is the conversation. He said that if he was hooking up with a chick and she had mis-matched bra and underwear he might not be into making out and/or sealing the deal. And I was like WTF?! He said that it was just too much of a turn-off. I was shocked and appalled. Now, I know that I'm supposed to be working on not judging people so that I don't ruin friendships and make people yell at me but I thought that was one of the most preposterous things that I have ever heard. A guy should be thanking his lucky stars if he even SEES you in your bra and underwear. And then he's going to complain that they don't match?! Oh, no you didn't! (that last sentence should be read in the Wixom Vixen's "white girl ebonic speak")
At 1/07/2005 3:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Re: mismatched underwear...
Sure a guy is lucky if he gets that far, and mismatched underwear can be good (for instance, red bra/black spankies), but imagine a beige bra and white panties. How wrong is that? It would be like a girl pulling down a guy's shorts and seeing that he has shaved half of his nether regions. Does the "_____ should consider themselves lucky to even get that far" rule apply, or do you just stare with cock-eyed (no pun intended) bewilderment? You stare. Be careful with your mismatches.
At 1/07/2005 5:04 PM,
Jessica B. said…
Anonymous, why are you polluting my blog with your inane comment?
At 1/07/2005 5:14 PM,
Jessica B. said…
I'm sorry. Was that bitchy? I'm supposed to be working on being less bitchy. Thank you for your interesting input.
At 1/08/2005 12:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who puts a "Re: (whatever)" in a comment? These comments are automatically attached to the entry that one is commenting on.
Anyway, I almost forgot what I was going to say. . . .
Oh yeah, what if a guy's underwear matches their shirt or socks? Or if a guy realizes that everything he is wearing is blue -- blue socks, blue jeans, blue undershirt, blue underwear. (Did this yesterday totally by accident.) Would a woman be all "hell no" and so on? Just wondering . . . .
(Also, wasn't it someone with the initials CNF that brought up the bra and panties thing?)
- Dan
At 1/09/2005 1:05 PM,
Unknown said…
I don't think I really am thinking about if they match, I'm usually too busy trying to remove them to stop to think about that. BTW, "Stuff" had an awesome lingerie layout this month. *drool*
At 6/02/2005 3:14 AM,
jonny said…
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