Auntie Doesn't Change Diapers
Beckie came over last night around 11pm when I was watching the end of Blade:Trinity. She remarked that it was an odd choice of movie for me to be watching alone. Then I informed her that Ryan Reynolds is in it and she understood. I said to her in an excited, breathy whisper, "There's this one scene where he's chained to the floor and he's not wearing a shirt!" Yummy. But before I get carried away with thoughts of a shirt-less Ryan Reynolds and can't finish this post, I'll move on. We shot the breeze and gossiped about boys, read from my Scorpio astrology book, and ate peanuts. The astrology book is really cool cause it tells you what a certain relationship will be like, for example Scorpio Woman-Leo Man or Scorpio Man-Gemini Woman and it does it for all the Scorpio combos. Beckie asked if it had that for gay couples and I was like, "Beckie, this book is from 1976. They didn't have gays back then!"
She left a little before 2am and I went to bed shortly after. Then I was woken at 8 this morning when Night puked next to my bed. Lovely. After I quickly cleaned up the cat vomit, I couldn't fall back asleep. I finally did and my phone started ringing at 9:30. Who the hell would call ME at 9:30 on a Saturday morning? It was my stepmother. Confirming that I'm babysitting Sarah this afternoon and will be at their place around 3:30. A couple hours later my sister-in-law called me to verify that I was also watching Zoe this afternoon. Greeeeeeeeeeat. I'll have the 7 year-old poster child for ADD and the most difficult 3 year-old in the state of Michigan. And I don't think Zoe is potty-trained yet which interferes with my rule of not changing diapers. She'll be potty-trained by the time she goes back to her parents. Nothing like a little Vixen discipline to get that child on track.
She left a little before 2am and I went to bed shortly after. Then I was woken at 8 this morning when Night puked next to my bed. Lovely. After I quickly cleaned up the cat vomit, I couldn't fall back asleep. I finally did and my phone started ringing at 9:30. Who the hell would call ME at 9:30 on a Saturday morning? It was my stepmother. Confirming that I'm babysitting Sarah this afternoon and will be at their place around 3:30. A couple hours later my sister-in-law called me to verify that I was also watching Zoe this afternoon. Greeeeeeeeeeat. I'll have the 7 year-old poster child for ADD and the most difficult 3 year-old in the state of Michigan. And I don't think Zoe is potty-trained yet which interferes with my rule of not changing diapers. She'll be potty-trained by the time she goes back to her parents. Nothing like a little Vixen discipline to get that child on track.
At 6/25/2005 9:33 AM,
The Judge said…
I wonder if my Gemini book has information about gays.
P.S. Your cats puke a lot.
At 6/25/2005 3:55 PM,
Michelle said…
Pooter has dry heaves. You think he's gonna ralph and then all he does is... aaaaacck!
At 6/25/2005 3:55 PM,
Michelle said…
I think my Book, it doesn't care if your gay or straight.
At 6/26/2005 3:57 PM,
Jessica B. said…
Beckie: you left your sweatshirt over here. I'll get it back to you this weekend. I'll just have to wash it first cause Night puked on it.
At 6/26/2005 4:36 PM,
jonny said…
You mean you're still wearing your first?
It must be open season on Wixens soon ...(hopes).
At 6/26/2005 11:15 PM,
Michelle said…
Good Lord save us all, the mothership has dropped HIM off.
Did you see the rudness that he left for you on his blog. I swear that man is from another planet. Sure of it!
At 6/27/2005 4:51 AM,
jonny said…
So you need books to tell you who you are or who you can like, eh?
I'll write y'all a book ...
Can borrow the dog for the hunt?
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