We had some good times
This is my bedroom cat, Night.

He has to live in my bedroom because Raffi is a bully. Night's very needy for a cat. He's always wanting me to pet him and begging for attention and he bites my arm if I stop petting him. Cats aren't supposed to be like that. Well, biting, yeah but not the neediness. Cats are supposed to be aloof and scorn loving affection. He's been living in my bedroom for 9 or 10 months now and it's starting to grate on my nerves. I've made minuscule leeway in getting Night and Raffi to get along. And Beckie says that Night is going to put a crimp in my sex life but that's currently a moot point.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because I'm thinking of returning him to his previous owners. I had thought that the proposal of returning the cat would be met with much disapproval by the previous owner but she broached the subject herself. The cat used to be my sister-in-law's (Sil). A year ago, Sil found herself quite overwhelmed with 7 cats, 1 dog, a toddler and a husband. She decided that she needed to "thin out the herd" and got rid of 2 cats. I got Night, whom I had always adored and joked about taking, and her brother got Muffin. Yesterday at Family Dinner, Sil informed me that Muffin has been presumed dead. This is where it gets...interesting. Sil's brother's girlfriend (still with me?) said a few weeks ago that she hated the cat. A few days after that, Sil's brother went into the hospital for a couple of days. Sil's brother returns from the hospital and the cat is "missing" and has not since returned home. Sil is convinced that the girlfriend poisoned the cat and dumped the body in a dumpster in Detroit. So yesterday at Family Dinner she keeps asking me if Night is happy and if I want to return him and I didn't really say much. I was still in shock about the Murdering Girlfriend. But now I'm thinking this could be my out clause. I mean, don't get me wrong. Night is a great cat but Raffi's kindof a "I don't share my woman" type of cat . What to do, what to do...

He has to live in my bedroom because Raffi is a bully. Night's very needy for a cat. He's always wanting me to pet him and begging for attention and he bites my arm if I stop petting him. Cats aren't supposed to be like that. Well, biting, yeah but not the neediness. Cats are supposed to be aloof and scorn loving affection. He's been living in my bedroom for 9 or 10 months now and it's starting to grate on my nerves. I've made minuscule leeway in getting Night and Raffi to get along. And Beckie says that Night is going to put a crimp in my sex life but that's currently a moot point.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because I'm thinking of returning him to his previous owners. I had thought that the proposal of returning the cat would be met with much disapproval by the previous owner but she broached the subject herself. The cat used to be my sister-in-law's (Sil). A year ago, Sil found herself quite overwhelmed with 7 cats, 1 dog, a toddler and a husband. She decided that she needed to "thin out the herd" and got rid of 2 cats. I got Night, whom I had always adored and joked about taking, and her brother got Muffin. Yesterday at Family Dinner, Sil informed me that Muffin has been presumed dead. This is where it gets...interesting. Sil's brother's girlfriend (still with me?) said a few weeks ago that she hated the cat. A few days after that, Sil's brother went into the hospital for a couple of days. Sil's brother returns from the hospital and the cat is "missing" and has not since returned home. Sil is convinced that the girlfriend poisoned the cat and dumped the body in a dumpster in Detroit. So yesterday at Family Dinner she keeps asking me if Night is happy and if I want to return him and I didn't really say much. I was still in shock about the Murdering Girlfriend. But now I'm thinking this could be my out clause. I mean, don't get me wrong. Night is a great cat but Raffi's kindof a "I don't share my woman" type of cat . What to do, what to do...
At 7/25/2005 7:59 PM,
Unknown said…
That's horrible about the SIL's brother's girlfriend "offing" the cat. Probably the SIL would have less to worry about with only 7 cats, 1 dog and a toddler. Notice who I left off. I mean, I like Michael and all, but he's a handful. If the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, is a crab apple full of crabs?
At 7/26/2005 7:16 AM,
Cat said…
I hope she's not going to let the brother's girlfriend anywhere near any of the cats. If I suspected that someone had done something like that, I wouldn't let them anywhere near my cats or any of my friends' or family members' pets. That's just a horrible thought that someone would actually do something like that to an animal, especially someone's pet. For that reason, I probably wouldn't give the cat back if I thought he might be in danger.
At 7/26/2005 1:23 PM,
Michelle said…
oooooohh.. I just had to say it.
Well If Sil's brother dumps the CMB, then I would say it would be safe to pass Night off, but really, I think I would do that in this situation.
I would supervise Raffi and Night for right now, armed with a mega super soaker and if Raffi try's his dometic violence shit then blast his ass. Raffi is smart and soon will realize that you do not premote such behavior. Sooner or later he will stop or catch peumonia if this keeps up till November.
But thats just strickly a cowgirl method.
I would offer to take Night- because I love black cats. BUT, alas I live in Cali so offer can not be made. Plus Pooter thinks cats are a delicatcy.
Well at least that is what he says.
I need Icecream.
At 7/27/2005 5:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
night's old. he's gonna croak it soon.
you don't care about sil or what she thinks (too much) but the animosity from the ineluctable being your fault, notwithstanding, might cause undue angst.
Enjoy the good times you had with the lil' mucker and let him go home.
in a year's time.
At 7/27/2005 5:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
or u could put a heep of effort into helping them 2 git aloang
At 7/27/2005 5:53 AM,
The Judge said…
I think that given SIL's history of melodramatic explanations, the murder of the cat is a little less plausible. But still...
I say give the cat to Gordon. But we discussed this.
Poor Night. He's lonely.
At 7/27/2005 5:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
or you could explain the problems you have with cat management and ask sil's advice.
Then see what turns up.
At 7/27/2005 5:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
or lock Raffi in the bedroom and see how he likes it.
At 7/27/2005 5:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
or get rid of Raffi!
At 7/27/2005 5:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Strike while the iron's hot.
She wants Night back and is vulnerable and thus very open to suggestion.
And you want to relieve yourself of him. The post title is in the past tense.
So do so guiltlessly and give him some jelly to be on his way, weather permitting.
At 7/27/2005 6:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
and take more photos of him and post them around your apartment at Raffi's eye-level to give him a guilt complex.
Incorporate recordings of his mewling/hissing/noise of choice into the charade and drive Raffi mad!
At 7/27/2005 6:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
or you could cover yourself in green jello and wander around in your underwear proclaiming "I'm a wicca!".
That'll give you something far more important to think about as you bend over to pick up the soap...
Thar ye go!
At 7/28/2005 12:35 PM,
jonny said…
ahhhhhhhh! wot a weetie!
At 7/28/2005 12:35 PM,
jonny said…
He looks in fine fettle for a chunder-puss!
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