The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Get a Room.

When I was pulling into a parking space at my apartment complex this evening, my headlights illuminated this couple leaning against the next car who were necking. I was really irked by the whole thing. But I'm not sure if I was irked out of envy since I haven't necked with someone in a parking lot for several months or if I was irked out of annoyance that the car they were leaning against had been parked terribly and left me with little room to park my car.


  • At 7/17/2005 10:15 AM, Blogger The Judge said…

    Did you hit them?


  • At 7/17/2005 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Why do you keep saying "irk" and "necking" and "I"? Are you in one of THOSE kind of moods again? Are we going to have to hide the good china?

  • At 7/17/2005 5:08 PM, Blogger Jessica B. said…

    Beckie: I tried but they were quite agile.

    Ryan: Is there any good china left to hide?

  • At 7/17/2005 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No. It was broken by the agile necking couple. You were right to be irked.

  • At 7/18/2005 3:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Is shining your lights on them and asking them if they could possibly move their car because you're such a bad parker still considered unacceptable?

  • At 7/18/2005 7:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    What's this "Necking"? Is it similar to "macking on" or "doing it"? You should have run them over.

  • At 7/18/2005 5:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    "Necking." That's so weird that you used that term, because I was just thinking the other day how I never hear that anywhere except on Happy Days.


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