The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Because I currently don't have the time or energy to recap my weekend at the cottage, do this

Stolen from Cy, who stole it from Beckie, who stole it from Ryan, who stole it from the Muffin Man. The one who lives on Drury Lane.

Imagine that there is a film being made of your life up until now, but you need to decide who will play you and your friends and family. Please comment on who you think should play me in a movie, and who you think should play yourself as a character in the same movie. You can choose based on whatever criteria you want, but the person must be alive right now.

Please comment and then copy this post and paste it in your own blog, and I will comment on yours.


  • At 7/06/2005 4:19 PM, Blogger The Judge said…

    Rachel Dratch. Even though you're way prettier.


  • At 7/06/2005 4:43 PM, Blogger jonny said…


    Spongebob Squarepants!

  • At 7/06/2005 4:45 PM, Blogger jonny said…


    Who's the greatest genius alive today?

    Oh. Me!

  • At 7/06/2005 7:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Still haven't seen a picture, so I'm going with Keira Knightly.

  • At 7/07/2005 7:40 PM, Blogger Jessica B. said…

    Wow. I wish I looked like Kiera Knightly. Except still have my boobs cause she's kindof flat. If you look at my last post in the month of May, you'll see that I'm the one in the middle. I'm wearing a hoody though so you don't get the full effect of my luxurious locks.

    Spongebob Squarepants could never pull off my shifty eyes.

    And I suppose Rachel Dratch would be good at portraying my bubbly and vivacious personality.


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