Why don't they ask about # 19?
Other people have done this and now I'm doing it. Cause I'm a follower.
The Rules: First list twenty people you know in any order, and then scroll down and answer the questions. Don't peek at the questions before writing down your list of people.
1. Beckie
2. Ryan
3. Mike
4. Dan
5. Chris
6. Austin
7. Tess
8. Sarah
9. Jackie
10. Kristen
11. Justin
12. Julie
13. John
14. Jay
15. Chris3
16. Michelle
17. Jenn
18. Miguel
19. Avis
20. Eileen
How did you meet number 17?
I met Jenn through Ryan.
Should numbers 3 and 8 go out?
They’re birthdays are only 3 days apart. Is Libra-Libra a good combo?
If number 5 died tomorrow, what would you do?
Gah, this question is depressing. I’d bring a dry erase board to the funeral and throw it at his coffin. For old time’s sake.
What is number 10’s middle name?
Who is number 13 going out with?
When you’re married, is it still going out? His lovely wife is Julie and I think they go out on weekends. Occasionally on weeknights but they are the ‘boring married couple’ so not too often.
What would you do if number 15 kissed you?
Slap him. But only cause he seems like he would enjoy that.
Describe number 16 in 5 words.
Likes riding horses and makeup.
Is number 2 the sexiest person alive?
What is the strangest thing you know about number 9?
She can fold herself up to fit into a suitcase.
What would you do if number 7 killed someone?
Ask her if she’s taking orders.
Is number 1 your best friend?
Yes, she will wear a lovely mint green maid of honor dress at my wedding.
When is number 6’s birthday?
December…8th? I think. Maybe.
Would/have numbers 12 and 8 date?
Well, they’re both kindof taken and I don’t think they play for that team.
Do you know any of number 14’s family members or pets?
No! Sacre Bleu!
Who does number 20 like?
Her fiancé, Chad.
Would you ever make out with number 18?
EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Dear Lord, that is my brother. I am not from the South. Gah, I have to go shower cause now I feel really dirty. And I’ll be using a big scrub brush. Yeuch.
Is number 3 a boy or girl?
Neither. He’s a man. A man with a lot of hair.
What is the best thing about number 7?
She’s an excellent friend to have. Like, all you expect from a friend and then more.
What do you really think about number 11?
He’s hot and a chef. And he’s gay so I’m totally in love with him.
What is number 15’s favorite band/singer?
Crap. I’m sure he’s told me this but I was probably thinking about my hair. Something mellow yet invigorating to the soul.
Where has number 10 lived before they moved to where they live now?
Grosse Pointe.
What neighborhood does number 3 live in?
Berkley, in the OC.
What school does number 6 go to?
The School of Bringin’ It.
Are numbers 9 and 13 best friends?
Does number 20 secretly like number 2?
I would highly doubt it cause I’m pretty sure they’ve never met.
Would you ever date number 8?
If she was giving me those “fuck me” eyes…hell, yeah! And then I could be a Winkler like I’ve always dreamed! I knew I was limiting myself by only considering the men in the family!
What’s the most embarrassing thing you know about number 4?
He once demonstrated his projectile vomiting ability in front of the Tap Room.
The Rules: First list twenty people you know in any order, and then scroll down and answer the questions. Don't peek at the questions before writing down your list of people.
1. Beckie
2. Ryan
3. Mike
4. Dan
5. Chris
6. Austin
7. Tess
8. Sarah
9. Jackie
10. Kristen
11. Justin
12. Julie
13. John
14. Jay
15. Chris3
16. Michelle
17. Jenn
18. Miguel
19. Avis
20. Eileen
How did you meet number 17?
I met Jenn through Ryan.
Should numbers 3 and 8 go out?
They’re birthdays are only 3 days apart. Is Libra-Libra a good combo?
If number 5 died tomorrow, what would you do?
Gah, this question is depressing. I’d bring a dry erase board to the funeral and throw it at his coffin. For old time’s sake.
What is number 10’s middle name?
Who is number 13 going out with?
When you’re married, is it still going out? His lovely wife is Julie and I think they go out on weekends. Occasionally on weeknights but they are the ‘boring married couple’ so not too often.
What would you do if number 15 kissed you?
Slap him. But only cause he seems like he would enjoy that.
Describe number 16 in 5 words.
Likes riding horses and makeup.
Is number 2 the sexiest person alive?
What is the strangest thing you know about number 9?
She can fold herself up to fit into a suitcase.
What would you do if number 7 killed someone?
Ask her if she’s taking orders.
Is number 1 your best friend?
Yes, she will wear a lovely mint green maid of honor dress at my wedding.
When is number 6’s birthday?
December…8th? I think. Maybe.
Would/have numbers 12 and 8 date?
Well, they’re both kindof taken and I don’t think they play for that team.
Do you know any of number 14’s family members or pets?
No! Sacre Bleu!
Who does number 20 like?
Her fiancé, Chad.
Would you ever make out with number 18?
EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Dear Lord, that is my brother. I am not from the South. Gah, I have to go shower cause now I feel really dirty. And I’ll be using a big scrub brush. Yeuch.
Is number 3 a boy or girl?
Neither. He’s a man. A man with a lot of hair.
What is the best thing about number 7?
She’s an excellent friend to have. Like, all you expect from a friend and then more.
What do you really think about number 11?
He’s hot and a chef. And he’s gay so I’m totally in love with him.
What is number 15’s favorite band/singer?
Crap. I’m sure he’s told me this but I was probably thinking about my hair. Something mellow yet invigorating to the soul.
Where has number 10 lived before they moved to where they live now?
Grosse Pointe.
What neighborhood does number 3 live in?
Berkley, in the OC.
What school does number 6 go to?
The School of Bringin’ It.
Are numbers 9 and 13 best friends?
Does number 20 secretly like number 2?
I would highly doubt it cause I’m pretty sure they’ve never met.
Would you ever date number 8?
If she was giving me those “fuck me” eyes…hell, yeah! And then I could be a Winkler like I’ve always dreamed! I knew I was limiting myself by only considering the men in the family!
What’s the most embarrassing thing you know about number 4?
He once demonstrated his projectile vomiting ability in front of the Tap Room.
At 7/22/2005 2:28 AM,
jonny said…
I think it's very sad that you've had to list your waiter and a car hire company as friends.
Or is that just due to your peripatetic lifestyle as you get moved from shelter to shelter?
At 7/22/2005 11:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a matter of fact, I am taking orders.
Anyone in particular?
At 7/23/2005 7:26 AM,
Jessica B. said…
My sister-in-law has been driving me crazy lately. Maybe you could go on an "in-law spree".
At 7/23/2005 1:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
a dixie cup is a paper cup.
At 7/23/2005 5:21 PM,
Jessica B. said…
Yes, that is quite an astute observation, Anonymous. Do you have need of a Dixie cup?
At 7/24/2005 4:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'll get one free next time I fly on my spinning tray.
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