The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Let's Scare Jessica to Death

My father and stepmother are going on a ten day vacation to Tuscany in Italy and departing on October 14th. They're leaving my little sister behind. While they're gone, my stepmother's mom (my stepgrandmother?) will be watching Sarah. Sarah's been fine with this up until a few days ago when she realized that the vacation was quickly approaching and her mother would be leaving her for ten days. So when I was over the other night we were all in the kitchen and Sarah was throwing a little tantrum about the upcoming trip and saying that she wanted to go. My father nipped that thought in the bud tout de suite. So then as she's thrashing around on the floor, Sarah wails, "I wish Sissy was watching me instead of Grandma!" After they revived me with some smelling salts, I told Sarah that it's not very nice to scare your sister unconscious.


  • At 10/04/2005 9:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Wow. That is scary. Sarah for 10 days. I do not think I could handle that at this point in my life. That would require a serious raid of the wine cellar. And some valium. For her.

  • At 10/12/2005 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    But then you could clone her, kill the original (or sell her into slavery) and then spend the money on butter.


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