So Many Men...Only One Wixom Vixen
I have so much stuff to post. I'll start with Ryan's party on Saturday. I have to give many props to Jackie for driving us. Especially since I fell asleep (or passed out, whatever) on the way home and she had to entertain herself for the long drive. And then she let me crash on their couch for the night. The party was a fabulous good time. We started off at Ryan's place and then went to this really fun bar. I was so excited cause the bartender knew what I meant when I said that I wanted a Cape Codder with a splash of 7-Up. I had a few of those and a few Red-Headed Sluts. They played awesome music for dancing. I like watching Austin dance. I tried to keep up with him at one point but he's a dancin' fool. And speaking of Austin, at the beginning of the night he asks me, "So, what's up with you and Ari?" And so I was all, "What do you mean 'what's up with me and Ari?" And he said that he had heard some things and so I broke down and told him that I'm pregnant with his love child. I don't know how he found out. I thought Ari and I were being so good at keeping our secret. Then he mentioned a love triangle and I was all, "Gawd, I wish that I was involved in a love triangle with 2 cute boys. It would be my ultimate fantasy come true" Darn Austin, getting my hopes up like that. I should sic Raffi on him.
*Added after original post*
I think that I had many interesting conversations on Saturday but I can't seem to recall all of them. Jackie and I decided that her, me, Beckie, and Sarah are going to be the Fanta girls for Halloween so tape the commercial for us if you see it.
*Added after original post*
I think that I had many interesting conversations on Saturday but I can't seem to recall all of them. Jackie and I decided that her, me, Beckie, and Sarah are going to be the Fanta girls for Halloween so tape the commercial for us if you see it.
At 6/12/2006 5:26 PM,
The Judge said…
I get to be the purple one.
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