For Me? You shouldn't have!
One of the cats puked in the dining room. Luckily I didn't step in it this morning when I stumbled to the living room to watch the end of Guiding Light after waking up at 10:34. It's nice not having a job. I get to sleep in everyday and yesterday I spent the afternoon at the park lounging by the pool. And then the bills start to pile up and the debt gets higher and it's not so fun anymore. Anyways, I usually leave the puke for my mother to clean cause it's pretty much always Gwennie who's left it but my mother is in Cleveland until Friday. I did consider leaving it until Friday especially since I'll be at the cottage when she gets home so I won't be there for her to yell at me about not cleaning it up but I don't know if I can live with it that long. And it might start to smell in this horrendous heat wave we're experiencing. We don't have AC at my mother's. So it seems that I'm going to have to bite the bullet and clean the stuff up. Jeez, the things I do for that woman.
At 8/02/2006 2:30 PM,
The Judge said…
Did you apply for that job I told you about?
dsexgr <--awesome.
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