J'aurais pu dansé toute la nuit, ou: Merci Beaucoup pour la Musique, Mon Ami
Yesterday the postman brought me a package. It wasn't a very big package but the contents inside made me giggle like a school girl. It was the CD that Gideon made me with my music requests. Plus a bonus CD of random songs that he burned. When I first started listening to the first CD I kept thinking to myself, "Wow! I love all these songs! What a great CD." Then I remembered that I had requested the songs and so of course I would like them. I'm a little forgetful sometimes. I had asked for "Break My Stride" which I think is by Matthew Wilder and Gideon put on this really cool poppier version with some chick and a guy who pipes in occasionally to add some hip-hop flava. And right after that was "Modern Love" which is also fun and poppy. Anyways, I kept playing those two songs over and over and turning the volume up and dancing around in my room. I felt like a teenager back in high school. Then my mother called from the other room to turn the music down. So I screamed back at her, "Stop ruining my life! I hate you!" Then I felt bad so I went out to the living room and told her that I didn't really hate her, I was just reliving the experience of being a teenager in high school. And she replied, "Of course, Darling. I figured that's what you were doing."
At 7/21/2006 10:09 PM,
The Judge said…
Did she tell you to use a cold soda can?
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