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I talk to my cats. And not just cutesy baby talk but normal voice talking and conversations. A lot of times when I come home one or both of the cats will be in the driveway wanting to go inside with me. So the other day I pull into the driveway and I see Guinevere as I'm getting out of the car. So I'm like "Do you wanna go inside Sweetie?" But I had to get something out of the other side of the car and I felt the need to explain this to her so I say the following to her, "Okay, just a minute, Gwennie. I have to get something out of the car. Remember that wedding that I went to this past weekend? Well, I wasn't sure which skirt I was going to wear so I brought both and then a couple of different tops and I forgot to take them out of the car earlier. I ended up wearing the black and white one with the flowers. I always get compliments when I wear that one. As for the wedding, it was-" At that point I had closed the car door and was turning to head down the driveway to the side door when I realized there was a person standing in the next door driveway staring at me with this quizzical expression. So I smiled and muttered a little "hi" and headed down the driveway. As I was walking I whispered to Gwennie, "Why didn't you tell me that someone was there?"
At 6/29/2006 8:09 PM,
Unknown said…
I talk to Skip all the time. Usually he'll just give me a quizzical look. I think he understands, but just ignores me to annoy me.
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