The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Beginning Scene of a Killer Insect Horror Flick

I'm starting to worry that I'm the cute, bubbly brunette character in a horror movie and I can't remember if that character lives or is taken out by the monster. Each morning recently when I go to take a shower, I find 1 or 2 silverfish in my bathtub. It seems that my bathtub has become some sort of breeding ground for silverfish. I don't know where they're coming from so I can't kill them at the source. And each morning they seem to be a little bit faster and bigger, as if they're mutating. I swear that this morning as I was running the water to drown them, they sputtered, "We're going to kill you, Jessica, with our many creepy legs. And then we'll feast on your liver."

I hear something coming from the other room. Hold on a sec, I'll be right back.


  • At 8/03/2005 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hate silverfish. Silverfish sounds like a very pretty name of a magical fish that floats in the air and poops M&Ms, but they aren't. They are Friends of Satan (c) and I don't like them. Especially mutant ones.

    I'm never going into your shower again! Wait, I've never been in it. Sorry.

  • At 8/03/2005 6:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Well, if I remember the rules of horror movies, you can't get killed if you're a virgin or if you haven't been drinking or doing drugs... sorry, dear, you're screwed. I would suggest trying to appease them by giving them radioactive waste.

  • At 8/04/2005 6:33 AM, Blogger The Judge said…

    Don't worry. I'll get 'em.


  • At 8/04/2005 11:29 AM, Blogger jonny said…

    idle threats, eh?

    ...idle threats?


  • At 8/04/2005 5:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Just do what I always do -- leave a poisoned cupcake, attached to an anvil. That way, it dies twice. Although it may shatter your tub . . .


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