A Bird in the Hand
I still have work to do on my classroom management plan. In case you've never had to make a classroom management plan, they're very tedious and frustrating and full of lots of little details. When I was driving home from Family Dinner, I was thinking to myself, "I hope that Desperate Housewives is a repeat so I can get some of this work done." But deep down I really wanted it to be a new episode so I could procrastinate. Then I saw Jackie's blog and she's all, "I'm disappointed that DH is a repeat." So then I was all, "Crap! Now I have no excuse to not work on this thing." But then I was looking at the TV guide and saw that Vampire Bats (starring Lucy Lawless, aka Xena: Warrior Princess) was on tonight and I was like, "Awesome! Cheesy made-for-TV horror movie AND an excuse to procrastinate!" Life is good. I'm sure that I'll hate myself tomorrow at 11pm as I'm scrambling to finish my classroom management plan, but for now, life is good.
At 10/31/2005 10:29 AM,
jonny said…
wot's the plan?
how's it work?
is it like the lesson plans I do?
the ones that ....ach! I hate it when my hand falls off like that!
At 11/02/2005 1:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
How was the P.L.A.N.? How was Lucy Lawless? Was she as good as I heard she was?
Did you hate yourself in the morning?
Mmm...batty goodness.
otbpeti = Oh, The Best Pets Eat Tasty Igloos!
At 11/02/2005 2:37 PM,
Jay Anderson said…
That's so true, Ryan!
nvacbkf - nipple vagina ass cock bitch kangaroo fart ... I suck at the acronym game :(
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