The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Stock Advice

Remember that previous post I wrote about all the tuna? Well, I was finishing up the pictures I had left from the camera I got for the Birthday Extravaganza and decided to take a picture of my cans of tuna. So, here it is. Go ahead, count the cans.

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  • At 10/25/2005 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    crap. you totally beat my tuna can count. -A

  • At 10/26/2005 8:04 AM, Blogger jonny said…

    I used to have more: I don't know if you can get it in Russia (heavy metal free anyroad up).

    What's the list for?

    And why so little pnut but?

    Are you a vegetarian?

  • At 10/29/2005 3:22 PM, Blogger Jessica B. said…

    The list is resaurants, grocery stores, banks, and pizza places near me. It's provided by the apartment complex. Isn't that nice of them? They probably have some deal going on with the places they list.

    a vegetarian?! Did you forget who you're talking to? I'm a maneater.


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