Whoa Horsey
I finally got to the Derby Party at about 4:42 Saturday afternoon. It was at Bob's place. He was serving margaritas. And there was tons of snack type food but the good stuff since Bob is rich, like coconut shrimp and brie instead of chips and dip. Actually he did have chips and salsa but it was really fancy and expensive salsa. Bob's eldest daughter Cara*, was well on her way to being hammered. Bob's younger daughter left at one point cause she had to go home and put her tortoise inside. The kids were playing in the hot tub. Bob had written all the names of the horses on slips of paper and put them in a champagne bucket and so we all picked our horse that way. I got #8 Barbarosa. My horse ended up winning and I won a bottle of wine as a prize. Sarah was pissed that my horse had won and not hers cause she's a spoiled brat. When my horse won she ran out of the room crying and my stepmom went chasing after her. Cara told me that I needed to call her when I decided to drink my bottle of wine cause she needs to get into some trouble. She then said in a "drunken" whisper (i.e. proclaimed to the whole room) that she really needs to have sex soon. Then Bob's girlfriend started playing the piano and my mother started singing. I decided to go back outside at that point. My brother and Sil were annoying as usual. I think I left the party around 8pm.
I can't seem to recall at the moment what I did after the party. Probably drank myself into a stupor. And then got up to teach Religious Ed in the morning.
I can't seem to recall at the moment what I did after the party. Probably drank myself into a stupor. And then got up to teach Religious Ed in the morning.
At 5/09/2006 9:24 AM,
Unknown said…
I think you need to invite me when this drinking of wine happens also. Yeah. That's the ticket.
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