The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Protector of Our Domain

Ever since that neighbor gave my mom crap about Raffi attacking him and his cats we've been keeping him inside at night. It's really annoying cause around 10pm Raffi will sit by the front door and whine to go outside for 20-30 minutes. Raffi has one of the most horrendous whines. Well, my mother let him out at around 8pm last night and we forgot to bring him back inside before going to bed. So we were both woken up around 2am by the sound of Raffi attacking some cat or the bogeyman or whatever. I had to go out onto the front porch and I saw Raffi at the edge of the lawn with his tail all puffy but I didn't see whatever he was caterwauling at. Once he saw me his face lit up and he was like, "Mommy, there you are!". He came trotting over looking all happy and excited and I think he was expecting me to reward him or something. I was annoyed at being woken up so I opened the door and grumbled, "Get inside, dingbat." I promptly went back to bed. He's currently lying at my feet and looking all innocent and cute. Raffi, Raffi, Raffi. What am I going to do with you?


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