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As I was pulling up to my apartment this afternoon, If you leave by OMD was playing on the radio and I had to sit in my car after I parked and listen to the whole thing. That song always makes me thing of high school. The good parts of high school. I mean, as terrible as it was, high school was great cause liking someone and flirting with them was all so new and fresh and fun. I don't get quite the same rush now as I did back then. And sex wasn't even on the table which was fabulous. At least for me, it wasn't. I'm sure I had some wanton slutty classmates who put out but I wasn't that type of girl until college. HS was great cause you could just make out with someone and didn't have to worry if it was going to lead to sex or not lead to sex. Nowadays it kindof takes the fun out of making out cause there's always that issue. And you didn't have all the weighty issues that I have now as an adult. I didn't have to worry about bills or credit card debt or massive student loans. I didn't have to be nice to family members cause I had the "sulky teenager" excuse. I could eat taco bell every night and still wear a size 8. Being an adult is sucky. I want to experience the rush from flirting with a boy I liked again. And then I want to make out with him and not wonder if he's expecting more. I've got it! I just need to find myself a nice high school boy.
At 12/16/2004 10:51 AM,
Jay Anderson said…
I think high school boys are more likely to be into sex than when we were in high school. You may have to go down to middle school now, or perhaps late elementary. Either that or find a nice high school closet case. That's ideal because you don't have to worry about sex, and there's an automatic expiration date when he realizes he's a big 'mo. Good times for everyone!
At 12/16/2004 11:00 AM,
The Judge said…
Oddly enough, I was thinking about that the other day, how the fun gets sucked out of romance after a while and how when we're kids and someone might like us we're all silly about it.
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