I'll be on the linoleum floor in the fetal position
I'm ready to cry. I have a paper due on Monday and I haven't even finished the book yet. I have an assignment for Evil Tilles due on Tuesday and I just found out at our last class that this assignment also requires advertisements from magazines pasted onto 11"x17" cardboard. Which involves hours of looking through the few magazines I have to find stuff even remotely related and then pasting them to the cardboard. But I have the weekend and so I'm thinking, it's okay, I can get these assignments done. I'll be okay. Then I remember that the Gleaners trip with the 7th grade religious ed class is this Saturday which will occupy me from around 12 noon till 5pm. But I think to myself, I'm alright, I can work on the stuff on Saturday night. I breathe a sigh of relief which is short-lived when my brother calls me to ask for a favor. It turns out that him and Ruth agreed to take Sarah tomorrow night but Michael forgot that he has his work party. He can't miss the work party cause he's been on jury duty and must show his face and must take his wife. And he can't renig (sp?) on our Most Exalted Father cause the wrath that would follow is just to scary to think about. So he begs me to come over tomorrow night from 6:30 to "around" 10:30 to help Judy watch Sarah and Zoe. And I know that you really have to have two people to watch those two and he's already tried Mom and she can't do it. So I said yes. So now I basically have the rest of tonight and Sunday to finish these projects. I don't know if I can do it and I'm totally stressing out. It REALLY doesn't help that I'm no longer medicated. But the wine seems to be helping a little. Egads, I cannot wait, I mean I truly cannot WAIT till this friggin' semester is done. Oh, I forgot. I also DO have to take the last test for my psych class. I'm not really that stressed about that one cause he drops the lowest grade but I'll still have to study cause I'm just not the type of person who doesn't study cause I can toss the grade. I'll keep thinking that I might somehow do better than one of the other tests and totally ace the class. Gah! I just want to scream really loud for a really long time. And then curl up in the fetal position and cry.
At 12/11/2004 8:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
It will all be ok. I'm with you. School sucks!!!! Anyway, I know you can do it! Good luck!
At 12/12/2004 9:02 AM,
The Judge said…
It blows. But it's almost over. And at least you're pretty.
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