The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dumbass

I'm going to explain a little about my job so that the following narrative will make sense. I work in the call center of a trucking company. We ship freight from one place to another. My job is to schedule the "picking up" of the freight but sometimes I get calls from people who want the terminal but they hit the wrong option. My company has terminals all over the country where the trucks are dispatched from. The terminal that picks up your(customer) freight is your "servicing terminal". If a customer wants to speak to "their" terminal I have to get the city and state to find out the servicing terminal.

Okay, here's the story.

Wixom Vixen: Central Transport, this is Jessica, how may I help you?
customer: Is this the Birmingham terminal?
Wixom Vixen: No, I'm at the call center in Michigan. are you trying to reach a terminal?
customer: Yeah, I need the Birmingham terminal.
WV: what state is that?
cust: Alabama. did you study geography in school, Jessica?
WV: why, yes I did. I was just asking about the state to be certain of the right terminal. there's a Birmingham in Michigan, you know.
cust: well, shame on me. I didn't know that. I'm from the south and I'm very stupid.

Okay, he didn't really say that last part. I was so mad after I got off the phone. So, I did a search and found that there are 14 states with a city named Birmingham and they are as follows; AL, MI, PA, NJ, VA, GA, MS, KY, OH, IN, IL, MO, IA, KS. So now if anyone ever tells you they're from Birmingham and you ask what state and they think you're stupid, just give them that list. It's a legitimate question.


  • At 1/30/2005 10:32 AM, Blogger The Judge said…

    Did he say the "shame on me" part? When you assume you make an ass out of u and me. I hope he realizes that.

    There are other states with cities called Detroit, too.


  • At 1/31/2005 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I miss customer service.... I'm glad you stood up for yourself. Of course, there are other cities called Birmingham than just the one in Alabama. What about the one in ENGLAND THAT IT'S NAMED AFTER!!!! There was no reason for him to get snarky with you. I hope he drops his freight on his toe.

    Excellent research, also.


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