Color My World
I'm trying to make sure that everything I eat or drink tonight is a golden yellow color. I had macaroni and cheese for dinner followed by butterscotch pudding. And later if I go out I'll drink beer.
A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.
At 2/03/2005 9:58 PM,
Unknown said…
Then you could puke yellow too. Ah, the circle of life.
At 2/04/2005 9:06 AM,
Jay Anderson said…
Why? (Just curious)
At 2/04/2005 12:47 PM,
Jessica B. said…
There really isn't a reason. I was trying to figure out what to have for dinner and decided on mac and cheese. Then I saw the butterscotch pudding and it just came to me. I should eat and drink only golden yellow stuff. Just to make the day more interesting, you know? I think I'll make it a weeekly thing. Like one day a week everything I eat and drink has to be the same color. It's going to be hard when I get to blue.
At 2/04/2005 1:32 PM,
The Judge said…
White will be gross. You can only eat cottage cheese and potatoes. You can only drink milk. You could eat plain yogurt and egg whites and vanilla ice cream. White is a dairy and potato color.
At 2/04/2005 1:49 PM,
Michelle said…
But brown would be awsome. You can have well cooked steak, with some coke, then go for some chocolate cake for dessert and then guinnesse later into the night.
I think blue would be hard. Or only three colored things. Like Super man Ice cream and rainbow pasta.
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