The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Procrastination, schmcrastination

I don't know if my title even makes sense. I'm supposed to be working on a paper right now but I'm procrastinating. But at least I'm on the computer and I have the Word document open. Before I was procrastinating by cleaning my apartment. I even put my name on the paper and wrote the first sentence when I got on the computer. Then I got bored and went online. This yahoo thing popped up about Avatars and so I decided to change my Avatars outfit. It's now wearing a fur-trimmed coat since it's really cold out. And I'm in a snowy background instead of the city. I wish that my Avatar had an eerie and almost unbelievable resemblence to me like Beckie's Avatar does. She may not win instant prizes but she's winning in the world of Avatars.

Today was the final episode of Endurance:Hawaii. Chris and Lindy won. I'm so glad that Nicole didn't win, I hated that manipulative back-stabber. What's Enduranc:Hawaii, you ask? Why, it's a show on Discovery Kids that's on at 11:30am on Saturdays. It's like Survivor but with middle school aged kids. It's followed by Strange Days at Blake Holesy High which is awesome. This is what not having cable has done to me. I'm actually enthralled by teeny-bopper Saturday morning shows.


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