The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Say my name, Bitch.

The other night I was watching some show or movie with my mother, I don't remember what, but she missed someone's name so she asks me and I'm like, "She said Claire." Then my mother comments on how much she loves the name Claire. And I reply, "It's a fat girl's name." And I turn to her and start to smile, waiting for her to get the reference and to laugh. But she frowns and gives me this disapproving look and is like, "Jessica Marie, what kind of comment is that?" And I'm all shocked that she doesn't get it and so I'm like, "Motherrrrrrrrrrrr, it's from The Breakfast Club, remember? Molly Ringwald says her name, Claire, is a family name and Judd Nelson says that it's a fat girl's name. It's a totally classic line." Yeah, she didn't know the movie and made some comment about my generation and our "bizarre" taste in entertainment. And this coming from a woman wearing a sweater covered with farm animals and tapered jeans.


  • At 2/17/2005 5:53 AM, Blogger The Judge said…

    How can anyone hear the name Claire and not think to themselves, "That's a fat girl's name"?


  • At 2/17/2005 5:54 AM, Blogger The Judge said…

    And your mother does realize that movie is 20 years old, right?

    Poor Mrs. B.

  • At 2/17/2005 7:20 AM, Blogger Jay Anderson said…

    Ditto Beckie's comment. I was 7 when that movie came out. I'd hardly call that entertainment of my generation.

  • At 2/18/2005 1:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Were the farm animals on the sweater wearing tapered jeans?

  • At 2/18/2005 2:00 PM, Blogger Jessica B. said…

    Yeah, I tried to explain that it wasn't really "my" generation, that my generation would be more like the movie Jackass but who knows if it sunk in. I think the farm animals on the sweater were wearing sweaters with people holding hands on them.


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