Daytime Silence
I survived the sleepover with the 6 year-old hellion. That girl can talk. All night long it was, "Sissy, guess what we did at school?", "Sissy, I brought a cartoon with the Grim Reaper cause I know you like stuff about death and skeletons", "Sissy, what's this phallic shaped object with King Tut's face on it?". And never watch a movie or show that you haven't seen with her if she's already seen it. She spoils everything. I think she believes that she's being helpful. But in all honesty I wasn't really worried if Barbie and River were going to break up during their Jammin' Jamaica trip. Sarah seemed to think I was and reassured me that everything would be okay. And then we have to pretend that we're characters on the show and she always chooses the coolest one. When we were watching the Snow White and Cinderella movie she got to be Cinderella and I had to be Snow White and she knows that I hate Snow White. I got her back though cause when my (Snow White's) stepmother tried to kill me, I was like, "Oh my god, Sarah, you mother is trying to kill me! What kind of sick and twisted mother do you have?!" And then she explained that it was just pretend and it wasn't her
okay. All I wanted was for "her" to be in italics and I ran into some problems. Now I am really, really, REALLY, fucking annoyed. The question is, do I just leave the post like this? I think I shall.
okay. All I wanted was for "her" to be in italics and I ran into some problems. Now I am really, really, REALLY, fucking annoyed. The question is, do I just leave the post like this? I think I shall.
At 3/08/2005 3:55 PM,
Unknown said…
Haha, lol! ROTFL! Your adventures with your sister crack me up. Seriously. I would sort of feel bad if you were forced to spend more time with her mano-y-mano but then again not, because it would be amusing to read. Because you are here to amuse me. So dance! Dance! Haha! OK. Must find food, low blood sugar leading to delusions of grandeur.
At 3/08/2005 5:13 PM,
Michelle said…
Classic jessicaness. hey- like whats wrong with Snow White? Pooter thinks she's hhhhhot.
He even dressed up as snow white for halloween.
At 3/09/2005 8:45 AM,
The Judge said…
I haven't finished watching the Jammin' Jamaica movie. Thanks for ruining the ending for the rest of us.
You know, Jessica, just because something happened to you doesn't mean you can just do it to everybody else. The surprise is ruined. Ruined!
At 3/09/2005 9:04 AM,
jonny said…
A woman who can be humorous.
Smacks lips.
Que faire?
At 3/09/2005 1:17 PM,
Jessica B. said…
March 9, 2005 is turning out to be the best day EVER! I have been getting compliments right and left today! I almost feel like I should pass on this happiness to others but I think I'll do what I usually do and trap it in a jar just for me. Mine! My jar of happiness!
At 3/13/2005 8:52 AM,
Unknown said…
Hmmm . . . I already commented in person.
As for the jar of happiness, can you make drinks with that?
At 3/13/2005 2:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've done the Sarah thing and she totally ruined "Bring it on" for me.
"Run for your life!!!!!!" ~ Sarah
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