I Lika the Vino
I drank too much wine at Family Dinner yesterday. I didn't leave my mother's house till after 11pm and usually Family Dinner is over by 8pm at the latest. I was hurtin' this morning when I had to get up and go to work. But I found out some interesting information. The cute young catehichist from my church who I've been casually flirting with for the last several months came to Family Dinner yesterday. I learned that he's gay. And he's considering the priesthood.
But it's kindof cool cause once I found out that he's gay I was thinking, "This is fabulous! We can be such great friends now and totally hang out and go shopping!" He was too young for me anyways.
But it's kindof cool cause once I found out that he's gay I was thinking, "This is fabulous! We can be such great friends now and totally hang out and go shopping!" He was too young for me anyways.
At 3/15/2005 7:05 AM,
Jay Anderson said…
That is cool you can have a cute boy to go shopping with. Gays lika the shopping.
I can't help but ask though, do you think your friend is going into the priesthood b/c of religious-based shame about being gay, or do you think he has a legitmate desire to be a priest? That's awesome if he really wants to be a preist, but really sad if he feels he must to deny his sexuality.
At 3/15/2005 12:01 PM,
The Judge said…
Age is only a number, Jessica.
At 3/15/2005 2:02 PM,
Jessica B. said…
No, he's really considering the priesthood cause he thinks it might be his calling. At the end of every mass (for those not in the know) the priest will say "This mass has ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord." And the congregation replies, "Thanks be to God." And Young Catechist is always like, "Thanks be to GOD!"
At 3/15/2005 6:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, my children need wine....
I think "Young Catechist" should be a new crime/mystery/superhero series on TV. It will be like Father Downing Mysteries, but without the old guy, but Ricky Nelson's daughter can still be a nun and be his sidekick. Oh wait, she might be dead. Insensitive! Dolt! Then the Nelson Boys would have to be sidekicks. Oh! One can be psychic and the other can talk to animals, and they both are incestuous and Young Catechist has to separate them with the hose, but he gets caught in the mist...I can't live with out your love and affection, I can't spend another night on my own.
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