The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Learning is Fun

I think that my students think I'm a square. The other day they were watching a video discussing the verb avoir and phrases that use avoir. After the video went over the phrases with avoir, the chick on the video says in a really ecstatic voice, "Isn't that neat?!" Then one of my students looks over at me and goes, "She sounds like you. Did they base her character on you?"

I can't help it though if avoir is a really exciting verb. That's just plain fact.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Signs of Affection

Raffi bit me in the arm tonight. It was weird cause he did it very slowly. I had picked him up to take to my room and he was like a vampire in a movie going for the kill. You know how you always see them right before they bite the person's neck and they open their mouth wide with the fangs and then pause with an evil look and then plunge their fangs into the person's neck? That was what Raffi was like when he bit me. I then smacked him soundly on the head and dumped him on the floor. My mother started squirting him with the water bottle until he ran and hid under my bed.

My mother got laid off yesterday.

Sometimes I think that I would be happier if I didn't read other people's blogs. Like blissfully ignorant, you know?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I just had this post all typed up and I went to spell check and it was all, "this is a pop-up" so I put to allow it and my post went away.

I hate you, Post Eraser.