The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Miss Popularity

Today is Halloween. My mother and I are not handing out candy. We got annoyed with handing out candy every year to Detroit teenagers arriving in GP by the carload and not even wearing costumes. It wouldn't be so bad if they were at least making an effort to wear a costume and were young children but these are high school teenagers sans costume, who are taller than my mother and I mind you, coming around and asking for candy. That's pathetic and shameful. So we don't do it anymore. They also cause a HUGE hazard for all the Grosse Pointe children who are actually at an appropriate age to trick or treat and are wearing costumes by filling the streets up with moving cars.

I have a sneaking suspicion that I agreed to help two different people pass out candy tonight. Oops. But I can't remember if I commited to doing it or if it was more of a "yeah, maybe I'll stop by" thing. I'm just stunned that there are two people who want to hang out with me. Near candy.

I'm hoping that maybe someday I'll start feeling well again. I won't have to wake up and take 2 Advil and then take a couple of Tylenol 2 hours later and keep doing that for the rest of the day so my head doesn't feel like it's going to explode. I'm thinking that the numerous doses of aceteminaphine and ibuprofen will eventually take a toll on some vital organ of mine. I'm aiming for Thanksgiving for feeling better. Of course maybe if I damage my liver with all the ibuprofen then I won't notice the daily massive headache. And I'm also keeping the tea industry in business with the 5 cups a day to relieve my sore throat.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

...and a Bouquet of Dead Flowers Completes the Ensemble

I went to the Emerald last night for their Halloween shindig with Jackie and Beckie. I was dressed up as the Bride of Satan. I figured it was a good choice for a Sunday School Catechist. I don't really enjoy dressing up though. It's too much frickin' work for not a lot of frickin' reward. My mother tried to blind me with fake eyelash glue while I was getting ready. The first pair of tights I put on cut off the circulation in my legs. Damn control top tights. Who thought that was a good idea? The merrywidow I was wearing was great for showing off my hourglass figure but achieved this look by causing me mucho pain from the boning cutting into my sides. After a few drinks the pain was almost nonexistent. Beckie and Jackie seemed to be impressed with my costume so I guess the annoyance of putting it all together was somewhat worth it. And I was so crabby while I was getting ready that my mother starting shoving money in my hands and told me to go and have a good time.

There were a few signs last night that we're getting too old for the club scene. I think the big one was the fact that we wanted to arrive early so we could get a good parking spot.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I Feel Like Crap

I'm home sick today. So they have a sub at the HS covering for a sub. There was a bit of snafoo this morning with the whole situation. If a teacher needs a sub the school has a system that they call into with their access code to request one. But I'm just a long-term sub so I don't have an access code. So last night when I could barely lift my head and was advised by my physician (also known as Kristen) to take 1 if not 2 days off of work, I had no idea who I was supposed to call or what I was supposed to do to get a sub for myself, the long-term sub. I consulted a teacher who I'm also friends with and she suggested calling the "lady who handles subs at the high school". I call the number she gives me (supposedly a home number) and get voicemail so I leave a message explaining my situation. I don't get a call back before I go to bed. So I had to get up this morning and drive out to the high school. On the way I call the main office at the HS to talk with this woman and she's not in and another woman is like "You should have called the sub coordinator at the board office." I tell her that I'm on my way and so she says they'll get someone to come in and take over for me. Anyhoo, a sub came in about halfway through 1st hour and I went home. Now I'm worried that I'm going to look unprofessional cause they had to scramble to get someone to cover me. But perhaps they could have advised me when I started what I needed to do in case I had to take a day off. Subs get sick too, you know. I'm trying not to stress about it but I ran out of my medication over a week ago and without it I worry endlessly over things like this and make my gastritus act up.

Gastritus: inflammation of the stomach

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Little Johnny Needs to Learn the Proper Use of a Pencil

We had parent/teacher conferences this past week. It was exhausting. Especially since they went until 8pm and then I had to drive back to Grosse Pointe. It looks like my long-term subbing position will be ending the end of this month. Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Family Outing

Instead of our usual Family Dinner this Sunday, my family went to an apple orchard in Armada. It was stupid. We didn't even get cider and donuts cause supposedly there was a long line that my father, stepmother, and annoying family friend weren't willing to wait in while the other adults (in which I was included) followed around my little sister and niece. I was very bored and irritated for most of the day. Plus I had to listen to my little sister's stupid CD on the car ride. More annoyance. But occasionally we would have a break from the grating music when my little sister and niece would scream at each for five minutes.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Another Day, Another Dollar

My birthday is coming up next month. I have no desire to celebrate it. I used to make a list of things that I want and would distribute the list to my family and friends. Then several years ago when I was living with my Father and Stepmother I made one and posted it on the refrigerator. Later that evening I overheard my father telling my stepmother that I don't deserve anything on the list. So I don't make one anymore. There's not much to celebrate anyways.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

I got my hair cut today. It's basically a chin-length bob. I was talking to my family about it at Family Dinner on Sunday and I had one of those hairstyle magazines to look through with everyone. When I said that I was looking at going much shorter than my usual style our family friend Dave said, "Jessica, guys like girls with long hair not short hair." So I laughed and kept looking at the magazine. Then he said it 6 more times. Seriously. He just kept telling me that guys don't like short hair they like long hair. Now the guy was just dumped by his fiancée last week so I was trying to be nice. But finally I had had enough was like, "Well, Dave, I don't really give a rat's ass what kind of hair guys like on girls. If some guy doesn't like my hair short then he's more than welcome to go and find a long haired girl. Good riddance to him." I was so frickin' annoyed with him. I mean, it was like he thought all my decisions should be based on what will please a guy. Are you fucking kidding me? And after I finally gave my reply he started bitching about "darn stubborn women." Yeah, God forbid a woman should do something to please herself and not a man. I think I now have a better idea of why he got dumped.