The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Saturday, April 30, 2005


Okay, here are the questions for those who asked. I'm sorry it took so long, I had to plan my Sunday School lesson. And I'm sorry if the questions suck. I've had a little wine.

1. Who do you trust with your innermost secrets?
2. Who did you have a crush on in high school?
3. Where/When would you like to be a fly on the wall?
4. What makes you cry?
5. Were you serious about coming to Family Dinner?

1. What attracted you to my blog?
2. Are you a man or a mushroom?
3. What's your favorite childhood memory? (favourite)
4. What are your thoughts on blonde vs. brunette?
5. What are you wearing?

1. Do you believe in destiny?
2. Are you happy with your decision to go to Law School?
3. What are you looking to find on your road trip?
4. Who would you love to spend the day with? (this can be anyone; historical figure, friend, etc.)
5. Are you interested in coming to Family Dinner sometime? (my family LOVES you)

Alrighty. I hope those questions are alright.

P.S. to Ryan: can you find me a New Orleans shotglass on your road trip?

Friday, April 29, 2005

MEME Interview: Beckie's Questions

Here are the questions from Beckie. See the end for rules and instructions.

1. How did you feel the first time you saw your little sister?
I don’t remember what my exact feeling was but I know that I resented her a lot when she was a baby. Up until she came along I had been the youngest and then she took that away from me. And since I’m a very selfish and immature person, even though I was 21 when she was born I did not like her entering my domain. My father threatened to disown me if I didn’t shape up and stop trying to kill her. Perhaps I should have taken him up on the offer. By the by, for those that might not realize, I was kidding about the killing thing. I was only trying to maim her.

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Probably Mexico or somewhere in the Caribbean where I could relax on the beach and drink cheap beer and the weather would always be nice.

3. What do you want more than anything right now (generally, right now in your life, not right this second)?
To be rid of my credit card debt. And to have T.N.M.

4. What do you feel is the most dangerous technological advancement of the 20th century?
Interesting question. Video games. Millions of kids are losing imagination and gaining aggression.

5. Do you want your own children (for reasons other than you have names picked out)?
I think so. I go back and forth between thinking I really want kids and thinking that kids aren’t really my thing. I mean, kids require a lot of stuff that grosses me out and I’m very selfish. I don’t like the idea of a kid sucking on my breasts and I won’t even change my niece’s diaper. I think if I could skip the first 3 years it might be more appealing. Sometimes I think I just want to have kids to make my mom happy cause she would LOVE more grandkids and she deserves to be happy.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ/Blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

MEME Interview: Drobby's Questions

Here are my answers to Dan's questions. See the end for the rules and instructions.

Do you believe in God (and/or etc.) and why?
Yes, I most definitely believe in God. I think a big part of it is the way I was raised as a Catholic. The existence of God was simply a given from the moment I was born. I went to Sunday School and Church almost every week up through high school. Although I sometimes don’t understand why God allows certain things to happen (i.e. young children being killed or dying from a debilitating illness) I believe that he has a master plan for all of us.

What are your post-college plans?
Once I’m certified next spring, I’ll start looking for a job as a French teacher. I’d really like to teach at the middle school level but we’ll see what’s available. I would also like to stay on the east side but that again depends on what I’m offered. And once I get a job I’ll start paying off my student loans. Yay for debt. Oh, and in the long term I’d like to get married and have kids, write a novel, etc, etc.

Who do you think killed Lily Kane on Veronica Mars?
I really have no clue. I’m pretty sure though that it’s someone in her family. I think that they want us to think it’s Duncan but that seems too obvious.

If you could instantly learn anything (like in the Matrix), what would it be?
This question was REALLY hard. I’d like to learn how to speak, read, and write every known language fluently.

If you were independently wealthy, what would you do with your life?
I’d pay off all my stupid debt. Then I’d buy an island or a beach town and I’d transport my family and friends there. I’d build a huge airy mansion where we could live and we’d just hang out on the beach and play and eat great food and drink great wine and I’d have entertainers to entertain us and toys for us to play with and we wouldn’t have a care in the world except to do something new and fun and exciting each day.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ/Blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Who wants to be my intern?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Crimson and Clover

Veronica Mars rocks my world. I actually shed a tear at the end of tonight's episode.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Not in my day

If I am elected, my pope name will be:
Pope Monstrous Harold X
What's your pope name?Name:


A few weeks ago I got really mad at my 7th grade religious ed students because of the constant talking while another person was talking. So I made them write 3 sentences about why it's important to respect other people. These are a few gems that I found particularly entertaining. They have not been edited.

-You should not be mean and say that they did a bad job or I did better because it discourages people and brings down their self-esteam.

-If everyone ignores and hates everyone then there will be fighting.

-It is important to respect others because you should.

-Respect is important and you also need to respect yourself, so you don't make yourself mad at you.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Window of Opportunity has Closed

Raffi is driving me nuts. Last week when we had that wonderfully warm weather I opened the windows in my apartment. Raffi likes to sit on the sill of the window that's right next to the computer and my chair when it's open so he can smell the fresh air that he'll never really get to experience first-hand. There are two things that that he plagues me with. First, to get on the sill he jumps onto the table and then up onto the window sill. He's not supposed to jump on the table but I allow it since he quickly jumps to something else. But sometimes he can't figure out how he got onto the window sill and I have to get up from my chair and then point from the sill to the chair to the floor until he figures it out which takes about 2 minutes of him just staring blankly at me. The second thing is what he's been doing the past two days since it's gotten cold again. He jumps up to the sill and then whines because the window isn't open. Now, for those of you that haven't heard Raffi whine, it's horrendous. It's worse than nails on a chalkboard. And I keep telling him that it's too cold to open the window and he just keeps whining. I brought up the weather channel website and showed him that, I made him watch the news where they talked of snow and still he whines. Sometimes I think Ryan is right. That cat is a demon spawn. But he's so darn cute. And fat. Very fat cat. My cute, fat, demon spawn cat. Mommy loves you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Whirled Peas

I'm eating Early June Peas in a Low Fat Butter Sauce right now.

My brother used to have a shirt that said, "Bad spellers of the world, UNTIE!". He's a really bad speller. He left me a note once asking me to put his wits in the dryer. I wrote him back and said that I didn't think it would help.

Monday, April 18, 2005


Cl... Chlorine
You scored 39 Mass, 66 Electronegativity, 31 Metal, and 60 Radioactivity!
You are the vampire of the chemical world. You know what you want and you take it. Not only that, but you are pretty hard to get rid of. You're either found at the center of a group of drama fanatics, or mercilessly clinging to one person and demanding their complete attention. You're one of the few elements that can take something from someone and keep it after ditching them. You're the type who might make a girl fall in love with you in order to meet her sister. I make this sound all bad, but you're also pretty good at removing scum from pools.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

So wrong...and yet so funny

Jeez, that last post was a major downer. Here are some dead baby jokes to lighten the mood. Vive le dead baby joke!

Q: What's small, red, and can't turn around in corridors?
A: A baby with a javelin through its head

Q: What's the proper gift for a dead baby?
A: A dead puppy.

Q: Why did the baby cross the road?
A: It was stapled to the chicken.


I've been feeling empty lately. I don't understand this life and my place in it. Sometimes I think I'm behind and other times I think I'm ahead. I usually feel like I'm behind though. I feel like there's all this surface love around me. Like people around me are just making the motions but there's no contact. Like a ghost. They can see everything but they can touch nothing. It used to be that I would cry a lot when I felt like this but now it's like the tears have dried up. I try to cry but nothing comes. I sit and I stare. Sometimes I think I'm crazy. Certifiably crazy. On certain days I'm afraid to open the blinds because I'm scared the world will be gone when I look out the window. But would I really miss it?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Furry Nuisance and his Comrade

Why does Raffi feel the need to chew on buttons that are attached to pieces of my clothing? It's particularly annoying when I'm still wearing the article of clothing. And why does Night have to scratch the carpet in front of the bedroom door but only after I've just gone to bed or at 5:30 in the morning? My cats are driving me to drink.

Monday, April 11, 2005

I Saw Your Shoes

I had a date with a very tall guy on Saturday. He was 6'7". For those not in the know, I'm 5'2". Anyways, it was a nice enough date but I didn't feel any zing and he opened his eyes really wide when he was intently listening to something I would say. It kindof freaked me out and I had to keep looking away. Beckie says I always have shifty eyes so I must have looked especially shifty on our date. I'm sure that's a trait that guys are looking for. Then I get this email this afternoon from him saying he doesn't think we're a good match. WTF?! I'm fabulously charming and vivacious! I mean, it's not like I wasn't going to go on a second date but I was supposed to be the one to break the news to him. Hmph. If I didn't have so much school work to do then I would find out where he lives and leave a pumpkin on his porch with a knife stuck in it and note attached saying "you".

I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed with the schoolwork. I started to panic earlier this evening but the 4 shots of vodka have me feeling nothing but wonderful drunken bliss now. Overwhelmed, shmoverwhelmed. Bah. Schfooul is easjy as pieg.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Closing Time

I was supposed to go to the zoo today with coworkers but I'm not going. I went out last night with Beckie and even though I only had about 5 beers I'm still feeling a little crappy. I mean, it's not like some really bad hangover. It's just that I'm getting old and can't handle it like I used to. I'm no longer the young spring chicken of age 22 where I could party the night before, get 4 hours of sleep and then go build houses for Habitat for Humanity. Not that I ever built houses for Habitat for Humanity, it was just an example that popped into my head. Anywho, I woke up with a slight headache and I was like, "Oh my head, I can't possibly go somewhere and walk around for hours." Or maybe I'm just lazy. Hmmmmmm, this could be something to ponder.

Last night was fun though. I've been hanging out with Beckie more lately and I'm really glad cause I've missed her. Beckie was really good at taking care of me when I was the young spring chicken of age 22 and would get hammered every weekend. She never let me go home with the suspicious looking stranger I had just met not matter how much I protested that it was fine. Now that I'm older I feel kindof bad for some of the shit she had to put up with from me but I don't know if I should say thank you or if it's just one of those things that friends do. I definitely got a dose of what she went through with me at the bar last night. The bar had closed and they were yelling at people to get out and Beckie and I were ready to leave. But the two girls we were with were still finishing their drinks so they just sat at the bar and sipped their drinks while the staff closed down and started cleaning. I felt really uncomfortable and felt like we were irritating the staff. I ended up finishing one of the girls beers for her so we could leave. But up until the very end of the night it was super fun.

I shouldn't be going to the zoo anyways. I still have tons of crap to do for school but you can cross SOPI off the list. Oh, and I changed the initials from Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview to Stupid Obselete Pointless Idiocy. Now I only have left; 5 reflections, 3 software reviews, 1 article review, 1 webquest, 1 mini-lesson, and a 5 page internet activity. I feel like I'm leaving something out...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

You Lie!

I'm watching a Friends rerun on TV while I work on my SOPI. In the episode, Phoebe is at the restaurant that Monica works at flirting with the sous-chef and he has to explain to Phoebe that sous means "under" in French. But I know in another episode Phoebe helps Joey with a script because his characater speaks French and she knows French. What the hell is going on?! It's all a sham! This discrepancy has shattered my belief in mankind. I'm going to go and sit in the corner while rocking back and forth and muttering, "why?...why?!"

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Playing with Matches

My father's birthday is this Tuesday. So at Family Dinner today we had cake with birthday candles. My stepmother couldn't find our usual long lighter and my little sister pipes up, "Let's use matches. My mother taught me how to use them the other day." Most of the people at the table thought it was a bit odd that a 7 year-old is being taught how to use matches but my family is generally odd so...alrighty. Anywho, my stepmother puts two of those number 5 candles on the cake and my sister gets ready to light them with the matches. We all moved our chairs back a few feet from the table. First it takes her ten minutes to actually get a match lit. Then she lights one candle and moves to the next but her hand is hovering over the first lit candle and I can tell she's about to be burned and so I say, "Sarah, move your hand or you'll-" and I'm cut off by her blood-curdling sream. Then we all watch in horror as she tosses the lit match out of her burnt hand and into the air and it arcs over the cake and lands in my mother's wine glass. There is a collective sigh of relief as we realize a crisis has been averted. Then my stepmother hands her the matches again and says calmly, "Here, Honey, try again."

Friday, April 01, 2005

Funny Moon Language

I love how the British have their own unique ways of saying things. Like if somebody is really sick or having surgery, they're "in hospital". Not in THE hospital, just in hospital. So simple. And how somebody is "on holiday" when they go on vacation.

I remember when I worked as a chambermaid in Scotland (just for two days though, the Wixom Vixen quickly learned that she was not born for menial labor) and sometimes I would find a piece of paper with scribbling or some sort of similar item and I would ask my trainer what to do with it. She would then reply, "Oh, just throw it in the bucket." I would spend the next 15 minutes searching for this elusive bucket until I finally figured out that she meant I should throw it in the trash. I think this happened 4 times. I also got to "hoover" hotel rooms. With a vacuum, not my mouth.

I'm procrastinating again. Bad Jessica. (insert witty British comment)

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